Proverbs 13 verse 20 ‘He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.’
Your ability to work with others is a determining factor in your success in life. This is why I will be sharing with you some major and powerful principles that will help you become a success relationally speaking. Success in your relationships will ultimately translate into success in order areas of life and endeavors. This is why you need to know how to succeed in your relationships. Yes, I know that relationships can be challenging and complex at times but it’s still one of the bridges to your colorful destiny. You need to master the art of relating with others. The principles I will be sharing with you apply to your relationship with God and Men. It will work in either case as you give yourself to these truths. So what does it take to become a success in your Relationship life?
1. Be willing to work and to keep working on your relationship. This is one of the fundamental keys to relational success. You must see your relationship as a work in progress, this is why it’s important to keep working on it until it becomes better and stronger. So, the big question is whether you are ready to work and to keep working on your relationship. The truth of the matter is that you will only become a success at something you work at. Nobody can do this work for you. it’s something that you have to do yourself. To take your relationship with your spouse, friend, or even God to the next level you have to be willing to work and to keep working on it. My dear reader, the more you are willing to work and to keep working on your relationship, the better it will become. Philip2v12. Essentially speaking, relationships are like a two-way street constantly under construction. Dearly beloved, to what extent are you willing to work on your relationship? The answers you give will determine how strong your relationship will be. Let nothing stop you from working on your relationship life because as you do this, you will be giving your relationship the chance to succeed and prosper. Will you start doing so from today?
2. Value and cherish dearly the relationships that God has brought into your life. This is how to become a success in your relational life. How much do you value the relationships in your life? What you don’t value, you will joke with or even abuse. The value you place on a thing will determine its importance and its place in your life. It’s time for you to take more seriously the God-sent or ordained relationships in your life because this is one of the keys to your relational Success. Pro31v10. I have discovered that the more you value the relationships in your life, the greater the benefits and dividends that will come into your life. So, my admonition to you today is to start treating properly the relationships that matter in your life. Treat your spouse right. Treat your kids and siblings right. Treat your mentors right. Treat your fellow brothers and sisters right. By every possible means treat the people that God has sent into your life very well. Appreciate them properly. As you do this you will be laying a solid foundation for your success relationally speaking in Jesus name amen. However, in as much as you strive to treat properly those God has sent into your life, you also need to know the following truths:
– Not everyone can be your friend
-Some people will like you, while some people will dislike you. Jn15v25
-You cannot please everybody.
-Not everyone is mean, wicked, and bad.
-Nobody is perfect; we are all a work in progress. Matt5v48
I trust that you have been blessed by these powerful principles today. I look forward to sharing more truths with you in our next lesson. Stay blessed.
Other Scriptural references: 1Thes5v12-13: 2Chro26v5; 27v6: Lk1v80: Jam4v8: 1Sam22v14; 20v13: Pro16v1; Eccle4v9
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father help me to handle the relationships in my life better in Jesus name amen.
CONFESSION: I receive his grace and help in succeeding in my relationships. As I embrace God’s principles and wisdom concerning my relationships, my life Is getting better and stronger! I am reflecting God’s Glory and Beauty in my walk with others. Glory be to God; I am being changed from glory to glory! Hallelujah!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏🙏 Amen Amen Amen Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen Amen