Joel1verse14 ‘Sanctify ye a fast, call a solemn assembly, gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land into the house of the Lord your God and cry unto the Lord.’
The concept of fasting is an age-long form of spiritual exercise that was practiced by the saints of old and Christ’s disciples in the new testament. As good as fasting is, it’s important for you to know the reasons behind your fast. This is why this series of lessons is coming your way. Your understanding of these reasons will put you in a better position to maximize your fast. So my dear reader, what are the biblical reasons why a believer should fast? There are quite a lot of them, and today, by his grace; I would like to share some of them with you.
Reasons Why You Should Fast?
1. Because Jesus fasted. This is one of the reasons why you should fast as a believer. It should also be your motivation for fasting. If Jesus our lord and Master fasted and if you claim to be a follower of Jesus Christ, then you should also fast too. Matt4v1-2
2. Because Jesus said that there would be a time when you need to fast. This simply means that there is a time to fast and there is a time not to fast. And guess what? We are in the dispensation where we need to fast. So this should be one of the motivations for your fast. Matt9v14-15: Eccle3v1
3. Because you are led and Inspired by God to do so. Yes, God can lead you too fast and we can see many examples of such in the bible (Joe2v15: Jon3v5: 2Chro20v3). So one of the reasons why you should fast is because God is leading or instructing you to fast.
4. Because fasting is good for you. Do you know that fasting will do you a lot of good? This is true because of the immense benefits that are associated with fasting. In fact, fasting will benefit you spiritually, emotionally, physically, financially, professionally etc. and in every area of life Isa58v8-12. So my dear brothers and sisters, don’t allow anyone to rob you of the advantages of engaging in a fast. Therefore, make up your mind from today that fasting will be part and parcel of your life as a believer.
Other Scriptural References: Isa58v4: Ez8v21-23: 1Cor6v12: Lk2v36-37: Acts14v23: 1Tim4v8
Prayer for Today: Holy Spirit, help me to imbibe the discipline and culture of fasting into my life in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Today I dedicate myself to the lifestyle of waiting on God. I put my flesh under. I will not be a servant to my body rather my spirit man is in ascendancy over my body! Glory be to God, it’s a new season for me! Thank you Jesus for lifting me to another level!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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