Joel1verse14 ‘Sanctify ye a fast, call a solemn assembly, gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land into the house of the Lord your God and cry unto the Lord.’
Are there reasons why we should fast as a believer? Yes, there are reasons why a believer should fast and in this series of teachings, I will be sharing with you some of the important reasons why you should fast as a believer. God has reasons behind whatever he does because he is a God of purpose and design. Pro16v4. Our text scripture also shows that God is in the business of calling for a fast as he did so through the mouth of his Servant (Joel). However, before we begin to look at these reasons for fasting, there are some important truths about fasting that you need to know.
Truths About Fasting:
1. Fasting does not change God but fasting changes you or things. This is a very important truth that you need to have concerning your fast. God is ever constant and unchanging in character and nature but it’s only you and I that need to change. Mal3v6: Jam1v17
2. Your motives for fasting have to be right if it’s going to be accepted before God. In fact, God will judge you faster on your motives than your moves. This is why it’s not just important to do the right thing but to do the right thing in the right way. So, my dear reader, you need to make sure that the reason for your fasting is not to show off or for men to see you. Matt6v6
3. There are different ways by which you can fast. Basically, there are two kinds of fast, and they are as follows:
-Personal (Individual) fast. Matt4v1-2
-Proclaimed (Declared or Cooperate) Fast. This is the kind that involves more than two people. Joe2v15
However, these kinds of fast can be done in the following ways:
a. Regular fast. This is the kind of fast where you refrain from all food and drink except water. 2Sam1v12
b. Partial Fast. This kind of fast is when someone abstains from certain food or drinks for some time. A good example is Daniel’s fast (Dan1v12;10v3).
c. Absolute Fast. This is when you don’t eat and drink anything. It’s also called a full or dry fast. However, this kind of fast should be approached with some caution because, medically speaking, it’s not advisable that you go on this kind of fast beyond 3days. Those who went beyond three days as we can see in the Bible, were empowered by the spirit of God. Esth4v16: Exo34v28
d. Complete Fast. For this kind of fast, you only drink water or juice. i.e. no solid foods.
e. Non-food Fast. This kind of fast does not involve food or drinks and some examples of such are as follows:
-Sexual fast. This is when a couple decides to abstain from sex for some time in order to seek God.1cor7v3-6
-Soul fast. This is abstaining from certain areas of your life that may be out of balance or something that consumes much of your time i.e., TV, social media, podcasts, magazines etc.
Dearly Beloved, I trust that the Holy Spirit will further shine his light on you as we go through these messages together in the name of Jesus Christ and may the blessings of a God-ordained fast be yours!
Other Scriptural References: 1Ki19v8: Deut9v9,18-19: Exo19v14: Acts13v2-3: Zech7v5-6
Prayer for Today: Holy Spirit, help me to imbibe the culture of fasting into my life in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Thank you, Father, for the power of fasting and prayer! I receive Grace and your help in living a fast life. Today by your help, I break free from every form of addiction to food in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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