Lk.6v38: Give, and it will be given to you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together; and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.

There is no doubt about the blessings or benefits of giving and receiving because evidence abounds in the scriptures and individual lives of how God has proven his word again and again. But how many people know how to reap these benefits or are even reaping these benefits? Dear Precious Child of God, the problem is not with God but with all the receivers because God can never be a lion. He set this fundamental principle of giving and receiving into motion and he’s more than faithful to fulfil his promise. This is why this series of lessons is coming your way so that you can be in a better position of reaping the harvest of your giving. There is a certainty and assurance about the law of giving and receiving as we can see in our text scripture in (Luke 6:38) and several other scriptures such as: (Gen.8v22; Isa.32v20; Pro.22v9). This goes to prove only one thing that God is more than faithful to the law of giving and receiving. However, there are certain truths you need to understand about this law. What are these truths?


1. Giving and receiving is no respecter of persons, age or sex, tribe, race or even religion. What does this really mean? It simply means that the law of giving and receiving does not show any form of partiality to anyone. It just works for anyone that obeys or meets its condition. This is a very important truth that you must remember and hold dearly to your heart if you will reap the benefits of giving and receiving (Rom.10v12-13; Acts 10v4, 34).

2. Giving and receiving is a fundamental principle of life. What does this really mean? It simply means that if you don’t give, you won’t be able to receive. What makes receiving possible is giving, so it is important for you to know that nothing goes for nothing. If you want to reap, then you need to sow. It is just like how we human beings receive oxygen from plants to give out carbon dioxide; remember that nothing goes for nothing. So you need to use this principle wisely and judiciously (Gal.6v7-9).

3. Giving and receiving is a timeless principle. What does this really mean? It simply means it is an ageless principle. It is a principle that works everywhere; mark my words everywhere. It works in Africa, Europe, North or South America or anywhere in the world. Wherever the World exists, I want you to know that as long as there is the earth, the principle of giving and receiving will work according to what the Almighty has decreed. So this is very important for you to understand the power of giving and receiving; it’s not just something that works in a part of the World and does not work in another part of the world. It works everywhere it is applied. Once the conditions are met. It is just like the law of electricity or the law of gravity; it works everywhere in the world. It works everywhere and it is no respecter of countries, territories or regions of the world. In the same vein, the love of giving and receiving will begin to work for you when you begin to obey and fulfil its conditions (Gen.8v22).

My dearly beloved ones, I hope you can see and realise that the Almighty designed the law of giving and receiving to work for you and not against you. This is why you need to understand how this law operates so that you can be in a better position of receiving the full benefits of what it has to offer you. Our God is faithful;

he wants you to reap the full benefits and blessings of giving and receiving. He is not just good at making promises; He is also a fulfiller of his promises. This is why it is high time for you and me to begin to reap the rich dividends of giving and receiving. Through these series of lessons, I pray that you will be empowered to reap what the Almighty has in store for you with regards to the law of giving and receiving. It is a new day for you because these powerful principles will begin to speak in your life and all your endeavours more than ever before. My God is not just a God of seed time. He is also a God of harvest time and surely you will reap in the mighty name of Jesus. This is my prayer for you and this will be your experience from henceforth; if you believe this, say a big Amen.

Other Scriptural References: (Pro.11v24-25; Acts 20v35; Jn.12v24; Ps.126v5-6; 2Cor.9v6-11; Heb.13v16; Ps.37v21).

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I believe with all of my heart that the law of giving and receiving will work for me and I will be a partaker of what the law stands for in every area of my life in Jesus name amen.

CONFESSION: I believe in the law of giving and receiving. I also acknowledge that this law is not a respecter of persons as I obey and meet its conditions. This law is working mightily in my life. I am reaping the rich dividends of my giving and my life is a reflection of the faithfulness of God. I am truly blessed and highly favoured. The law of giving and receiving is working for me. Glory be to Jesus; I am a testimony to my world and a reference point in my generation.