Gen 12:1-4 [NKJV]Now the Lord had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, From your family And from your father’s house, To a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing.I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” So Abram departed as the Lord had spoken to him, and Lot went with him. And Abram was seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran.
Dearly beloved, I hope you are enjoying this series of lessons on going after your dreams. No dream will see the light of day without taking meaningful steps towards its actualization. Father Abraham would not have become the Father of many nations without pursuing God’s vision for his life. In the same vein, your dreams won’t See the light of day if you refuse to go after them. This has been the focus of our discussion for some time now and today, by his grace, I want to go a step further by sharing more insights as to how to pursue your dreams. I believe you are ready for this, so here we go!
7. Start working on your dreams from today.
Nothing will work unless you work it—Philip 2 v 12. In order for your dreams to work, you must be ready to work it. I know from experience that the working out part is what some people are not interested in, but my dear reader, there is no other way. In fact, nobody can help you to work on your dreams like yourself; it’s time to get serious about it. People miss out on success because it’s dressed in overalls and looks like work. You need to make up your mind from today that you will take your dreams more seriously. The sky will not only be your limit, but anywhere you have set your eyes on.
8. Don’t ever give up on your dreams.
Keep pursuing your dreams no matter the challenges or obstacles that comes your way. The people who eventually accomplished their dreams were persistent in their actions and efforts. Keep working on your dreams; show up every day. Never say Never! It might look like nothing is happening today, but I guarantee you that you won’t be put to shame at the end of the day if you keep pushing. Dear brothers and sisters, you need to persevere amid the oppositions and challenges of life. Heb 10 v 35 – 39. It takes patience to possess your possession, so never stop showing up every now and then. Persistence is stubbornness with a purpose. I charge you from today to persist until your dreams come to pass.
9. Profit from your mistakes and failures.
If you really want to accomplish your dreams, you need to know how to profit positively from your Failures. This is an important truth that you need to understand if you will fulfill your dreams. Dearly beloved, you must see failure as a situation, not a person. You need to also see failure as being temporal and not a permanent situation. How you see your failure matters a lot because it will tell whether you will be victorious or not at the end of the day. My charge to you today is to see your failure and struggle as a learning curve. Doing this is one of the most profitable things you can do for yourself. Never see your failure as final but as a work in progress. As you begin to see your failures from the positive side, you will discover that they are not things that you can’t deal with at the end of the day. This new perspective will help you face those challenges comfortably and besides, when you look at yourself in light of your new identity in Christ, you will suddenly realize that nothing is bigger than God and You. My Dear reader, start seeing your failures as temporary setbacks and not something permanent. I see you winning big with this mindset from today in Jesus name, amen – Rom 8 v 18
Other scriptural references: Pro 24 v 16: Mic 7 v 8: Gal 6 v 9: Jos 1 v 9: 1Pet 5 v 7: Jam 1 v 2 – 4: Philip4v13
Prayer for today: Heavenly Father, I commit myself fully to the pursuit of my dreams in Jesus name amen
CONFESSION: By the grace and mercy of God, my dreams will see the light of day as I walk in cooperation with God and Men. I will play my part in birthing my dreams, and as I do this, my expectations won’t be cut off! Glory be to God; this shall be my testimony and song in Jesus name, amen.
Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
PROFIT positively from your Failures!!!
This stood out for me. Thank you Sir