1Timothy1v12-13. ‘And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into ministry. V13 ‘Who was before a blasphemer, and a prosecutor, and injurious: but I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief.’

You are welcome back to our discussion on how to profit from your Past. I hope you are enjoying the truths of God’s word that are coming your way. You don’t have to wallow in your past. You don’t have to be a servant to your past. You can move past your pains. You can walk in victory. You have not come to the end of the road. There is still light at the end of the tunnel for you. For if God could grant Apostle Paul victory and restoration, he will do the same for you, too, if you will embrace his word. I have shared two powerful keys that Will bring you to the place of victory over your past. Today by his grace, I will be sharing another important one, so here we go!


3. Receive God’s healing. Healing for your wounds and hurts is available in Christ but you need to receive it. God is not going to force anything down your throat. You need to accept it willingly and wholeheartedly. If you want to bounce back to life, you must embrace God’s Healing. Healing is available to you today regardless of what kind of troubled past you might have had. Always remember this, precious child of God, that healing is available. It’s the children’s bread and it belongs to you. Jer33v6 but my dear reader, you need to receive what God has provided for this healing and restoration to be truly yours. Isa53v4-5.

How do you receive your healing from your wounds and hurts?

It’s by faith! I.e.by believing and appropriating his healing. God has provided it, but you need to receive it by faith and you need to be intentional about this in order for it to be a reality in your life. Rom4v17

So, say this out loud after me ” I receive by Faith today healing from all my wounds and hurts”. My Dear reader, you need to keep appropriating this until it becomes a reality in your life. Keep confessing and walking in the light of your healing. As you do this, you will enter into the fullness of your healing and deliverance. From experience, I know God will use both a gradual and instant work of healing in our lives to bring us to our place of total deliverance. So my dear brothers and sisters, keep taking the medicine of God’s healing until your healing is perfected in Jesus name, amen. If God could do it for Apostle Paul, he will surely do it for you too. If you believe this say a Big AMEN.

Other Scriptural References: Isa1v19: Jer30v17: Jn4v50-53: Lk17v12,14: Ps147v3: Jb42v10-12

Prayer for Today: Lord, I receive your total Deliverance from all of my Hurts and Pains in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: Healing and Deliverance is mine via the Word of God! Therefore, I appropriate it now by faith. I believe that I am healed and made whole from my negative past experiences in Jesus name, amen. Glory be to God, my Deliverance is Permanent!