1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing.
I believe that you are enjoying this series of teachings on prayer revival. I hope that prayer revival has already started in your life. The essence of these lessons is to ignite and flame into its fullness the fire of God on your prayer altar. As you can see from our text scriptures (Ps85v6 and 1Thess5v17) God wants you to be constantly revived in your prayer life. Anything short of this won’t glorify him. Hence, don’t settle for anything other than that. I believe that God is already stirring up the fire on your altar and your prayer life won’t be the same again. Yes, this will be your lot and portion because the transformation of your prayer life is a strong indicator of someone experiencing a prayer revival. May this be your testimony in Jesus name, amen.
Today my focus in this lesson will be on how to experience a prayer revival? How can your prayer life be revived? Glory be to God; he has not left us in the dark as per how to achieve this. May your eyes of understanding be enlightened as we look into these principles in Jesus name.
1. Cry out to God to revive your prayer life. God would not cast away the hungry and thirsty soul. He will surely visit those who desire and pant after his touch in their prayer lives. So my dear reader, are you hungry for God to touch your prayer life, or are you just satisfied with where you are now? It’s far better to be hungry than to be satisfied because there is more that is available in God. Don’t allow anyone or anything to stop you from reaching out for his touch in your prayer life. If you are hungry for his touch, today, say ‘Touch me Lord.’ Ps34v6,17
2. Tarry in the Place of prayers. If you really want to experience his touch in your prayer life, then you need to know how to wait on God in the place of prayers. Most of the time, we are too much in a hurry. We have forgotten how to tarry in the place of prayers. But I see the tide turning in your favor. My dear Friends, it’s time to tarry until you are empowered. Tarry until his Fire falls on you. Wait on God until he turns your story around. Beloved, are you ready for this? To as many as would do this, your expectations won’t be cut off. Eph6v18
3. Associate with people who carry the fire of revival in their prayer lives. The anointing is contagious. It can be contacted or transferred from one person to another. If you walk with those who carry God’s fire and your attitude is right, you will catch the anointing too and your life won’t be the same again. So who are you walking with? It’s time to be deliberate about your association! Walk with people who can positively influence your prayer life. Catch fresh fire! As you burn for God, others would come and watch you burn for God. As a matter of purpose and seriousness, prayerfully lookout for people who carry God’s fire, associate with them so that your prayer life can be positively affected. 1cor15v33: Pro27v17
Glory be to God! It’s a new day! May your prayer altar be permanently revived in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural references: 1Sam10v10-13: Isa66v8: Gen32v26: Gal4v19: Ps118v5; 3v4: 2ki2v15
Prayer for Today: In the name of Jesus Christ, my days of struggling in my prayer life are over forever.
CONFESSION: It’s a new beginning for me. It’s a new day! The fire of God won’t go out on my prayer altar! My prayer life is being revived. I am revived to revive others. I receive new hunger and passion for my prayer life! I am growing and gaining new ground in my prayer life with God! This is my testimony and song in Jesus name amen

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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