1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing.
There are different kinds of revival: healing, miracles, love, Word, e.t.c. But our focus in this teaching is on prayer revival. Yes, we need a prayer revival in our land, churches, families and personal lives. What is a Prayer Revival? Essentially it’s the reviving of our prayer lives. Yes, our prayer lives ought to be constantly revived. it’s not something that is supposed to be a one-off event but a regular experience. This is God’s admonition to us to Pray without ceasing. Whenever revival comes, it comes with many good things, such as mercy and joy. So why exactly do you need a prayer revival? Is it really necessary? Why the need for prayer revival?
You need a Prayer Revival because of the following reasons:
1. Because Prayer has been relegated to the background.
This is why you need a prayer revival. Where is prayer in your scheme of things? Is it a major or minor part of your life? Do you put a high premium on prayer or not? The answers you give to these questions will tell to a great extent where you have put prayer in your life. My dear brothers and sisters, this is why you need a prayer revival, so that prayer will begin to take its rightful place in your life. Rom12v12
2. Because many are fainting and failing in the place of prayer.
This is another reason why you need a prayer revival. When prayer or praying becomes a struggle or an issue, it’s symptomatic of the need for revival in your prayer life. Prayer should be a delight and not a struggle. It’s something that you ought to take pleasure in as a believer, but if that’s the contrary, then you might need a prayer revival. I strongly believe that every form of weariness and lukewarmness shall become a thing of the past in your life as the prayer anointing rests on you from this encounter. Matt26v40-41
3. Because many are not growing in their prayer lives.
Just as we grow physically, relationally, financially, professionally and in other areas of our lives, the same should be true with our prayer lives. If you are not growing in your prayer life, then you might need a prayer revival. Growth has to do with increase and progress in your prayer life. Your capacity to pray or for prayer should improve and get better. If the reverse is the case, then you need a prayer revival. This is why God is bringing this message your way and I pray that God’s visitation comes upon your prayer life beginning from today in Jesus name, amen. If you are receiving this, say a big Amen. Deut2v3
Dearly Beloved, I believe that you can see reasons with me why we need a prayer revival in our lives! May today mark the beginning of renewal and restoration of your prayer life in Jesus name.
Other Scriptural references: Lk18v1: Col4v2,12: Acts1v14; 2v42 ;6v4: Eph6v18: 1Pet4v7
Prayer for Today: Lord, let your prayer revival begin with me today in Jesus name amen
CONFESSION: I receive the fire of revival into my prayer life. My prayer life is receiving a stirring up and a visitation from on high. Things won’t be the same for anyone! My prayer life won’t be the same anymore. Glory be to Jesus it’s a new day for me!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
I receive fresh fire upon my prayer altar in the name of Jesus.
Thank you for this admonition sir. Without revival, one becomes vulnerable.