Proverbs 16verse9. ‘A man’s hearth deviseth his way: but the LORD directecth his steps.’
Planning together with God is what is expected of every believer, but the truth of the matter is that not everyone carries God along in their plans. This also accounts for many setbacks and disappointments that people have with their planning. This is why God is sending this word your way today so that you live the kind of life that God designed for you to live in the first place. In our last lesson, I shared why you need God’s help in your planning with you. Today by his grace, I intend to go further by sharing more Insights with you as to why you need to do this. If you are ready for this, here we go!
5. Because Nobody is the sole architect of his Life. Your life is not your own, it belongs to God and it’s also a gift card from God. This is why you cannot live anyhow. Your life exists for a purpose and you are here on assignment. This is why you need God’s help in making your plans. Acts15v17. So, my admonition to you, precious child of God, is to stop living life anyhow and start living life by design and choice. Once you do that, things will start turning around for the better. You can trust me on this because I have seen this in my life. Jer10v23
6. So that your enemies can be at peace with you. This simply means that God’s help guarantees you victory over your enemies. If you really want to be victorious over your adversaries or competitors, then you need to take God’s involvement more seriously. God is able to deal decisively with your enemies if you allow him to be your helper and guide. Will you start doing so from today? Pro16v7
7. Because human and natural plans are limited. This is why you need God’s help in your planning. This is far better than human plans which are prone to errors, mistakes, or failure. Acts27v10-11,21.
My Dearly Beloved Ones, God’s plans are still the best. This is why you must not settle for anything lesser than God’s plan. When you follow God’s plan, you are assured of peace of mind and God’s help. So, make up your mind from today that you will carry God along with all your plans and aspirations in life.
Other Scriptural References: Rom14v12: Eccle11v9: Gen13v10-11: Ps81v10,13-14:1Jn5v4
Prayer for Today: Thank you, Father, for opening my eyes of understanding to plan with you.
CONFESSION: Planning together with God is the best way to go about your plans. Therefore, my resolution is to always carry God along with my plans. As I do this, I know that all things will work together for my Good in Jesus name. Amen

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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