1Chro.22v5: Now David said, “Solomon my son is young and inexperienced, and the house to be built for the Lord must be exceedingly magnificent, famous and glorious throughout all countries. I will now make preparation for it”. So David made abundant preparations before his death.

Those who understand and also know the value of planning will never take it lightly! They also stand a better chance of succeeding than those who don’t take planning seriously! This is why the issue of planning for a New Year is crucial and vitally important!

As you can see from our text scripture that King David was a great planner and executioner! You also need to adopt the same strategy in planning for the New Year! So how do you go about getting ready for a New Year! This has been the focus of our discussion, and today, I intend to share with you two powerful keys in helping you get ready! So without much ado, here we go!

4. Make your plans in line with his mandate for you. Once you know his will for you in the New Year, the next thing is to make your plans in line with his will. Let your plans revolve around God’s will for you as you can’t prosper if you are working outside his Purpose for your life. If God is with you, then your plans are destined to Succeed. So follow God’s plan for your life because following his plans for your life is the surest way to Success. God’s plan is destined to succeed (2chro26v5). My dear reader, God’s plan is anointed while man’s plans need some assistance! So which one would you rather follow? I believe you will follow God’s plan! So start making your plans around what God has said! Doing this will put you in a greater position of success and impact (1Sam.18v5, 14).

5. Be willing to count the cost (Lk.14v28). Nothing goes for nothing. There is a price to pay if you want to be ready for the New Year. Are you ready to pay the price? The higher you want to go in life, the greater the price. The truth of the matter is that there is a price for everything in life. If you look at the mouth of `the axe, you won’t eat the Honey that comes from out of the rock. So my dear friends, planning for the New Year will cost you some things such as time, diligence, money, consecration, submission, teachability, sacrifices, fastings and prayers etc. But the price is worth the Prize. So it’s time to start counting the cost! Your expectations won’t be cut off in Jesus name, amen.

Other Scriptural References: (2ki.2v9-11; Pro.17v16; 2Ki.18v7; 2Chro.27v6; Exo.33v14-15; Deut.28v1-2; Job 36v11; Jer.42v6).

Prayer for Today: Oh Lord, help me to make the most out of my preparations for the New Year in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: I am willing and ready to put everything in place to prepare for the New Year! I will leave nothing to chance or coincidence! I take my Planning very seriously as I am determined in doing far better in the New Year than I did last year! I will break New Records and I am ascending to new heights also. As I make my plans around his will for me, my success is guaranteed! Glory be to God as I am in course for a Memorable Year!