1Chronicles 22verse5: “And David said, Solomon my son is young and inexperienced, and the house to be built for the Lord must be exceedingly magnificent, famous and glorious throughout all countries. I will now make preparation for it. So David made abundant preparations before his death.”
Are you getting ready for the New Year? This is a very important question to ask yourself at this time of the year! We are getting close to the end of this year and it’s only logical and wise to ask yourself this pertinent question! So, how prepared are you for the New Year? This is why this series of lessons is coming your way! One of the primary purposes of this series is to help you get ready for the New Year! As you can see from our text scripture that King David was a Meticulous and Efficient Planner! He actually paved the way for the successful execution of the Temple, even though he was not allowed to build it. But he made the work so easy for Solomon, his son! This is one of the numerous advantages of planning; this is why you need to start planning for the New Year too! In our last lesson, I shared with you some requirements in planning for the New Year. Today by his grace, I will give you the remaining things to consider!
4. How you plan for the New Year will determine what you will get out of the year. This goes to prove that your planning will impact the outcome in the New Year. So what kind of preparations are you putting in place? How should you plan? In other to be successful in the New Year, you ought to plan in the following ways:
- Plan Now. I mean, plan today, start your planning early enough, stop procrastinating. Get to work now! Tomorrow is the only day that appeals to a Lazy man. Don’t be that lazy man (Pro.24v27).
- Plan Abundantly. It’s better to over-prepare than to under prepare! This was the way David prepared for the building of the Temple. He Was extravagant in his preparations, as you can see in (1Chro.22v5). This is how you, too, ought to approach your planning for the New Year!
- Plan Thoroughly. Leave no stones unturned in your preparations. Be thorough in your planning! Give attention to the minutest details. Make sure you touch every area of life in your planning (1Chro.29v2).
- Plan Strategically. Count the cost of your planning. Strategy is better than strength! So with the right strategy, you are bound to win. Don’t just beat about the air in your planning but be strategic! (Lk.14v28-29).
- Plan Purposely. Be Intentional about what you want to do, where you want to go and who you want to be. Being deliberate and intentional like this will help you in planning for the New Year! (1Cor.14v8)
5. Planning for the New Year will boost your chances of Success. The success of The Temple that Solomon built can be traced to the solid preparations David put in place. This is why you need to be a Planner Yourself and not just someone who lives Anyhow or by the rule of the thumb! So make up your mind from today that you will stop doing things anyhow or living anyway! I have also discovered that those who plan ahead will have the extra edge and advantage over those who don’t! So to be Successful in the New Year, start planning for the New Year from Today. My dear reader, it’s evident from the things we have shared with you today that your planning for the New Year is the surest way to live. May you be empowered to reap the benefits of New Year in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: (1Chro.29v3: 22v14; Eccle.3v14; Pro.19v21; Jer.29v11; Pro.15v22: 20v18).
Prayer for Today: Oh Lord, help me to get my preparation right and on time in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: By my preparation for the New Year, I will put to shame the counsel and plans of the evil one. I will leave no stone untouched and unturned in my planning. I will prepare with all of my heart and my planning shall be thorough! I subdue and conquer every obstacle and excuses on my pathway to getting ready for the New Year! As I walk with the Lord, I am able to get ready for the New Year adequately.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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