Phillip.4v13: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
There is nothing that you cannot do with, by and in the anointing. The anointing makes you strong for all situations and occasions. This is what the great Apostle Paul was trying to communicate to us in (Philip.4v13). The anointing made him strong for whatever situation or circumstance of Life he found himself. The word Christ means the Anointed One, and there is no how you can talk about the Anointed One without his anointing. So when Paul says I can do all things through Christ, he simply says that he can do all things through the anointing. So the anointing creates or opens up a world of possibilities for you and I. You need to realize that there is nothing that is impossible with the anointing. So whatever situation you are in right now that is termed impossible can be made possible via the anointing (Jer.32v17, 27). The anointing is the answer to all of us; this is why it’s also very important for you to know that if this kind of ability will work for you, you need to know how to be a partaker of what the anointing can offer. A lot of people do not receive as much as they ought to because they do not know how to receive what is available if you are going to benefit out of all the anointing has to offer. You need to know how to be a partaker of it (Lk.1v37). This is what this lesson is all about, it’s about positioning yourself so that the anointing can work for you or work through you. So what does it take to be a partaker of the anointing? How can the anointing work for you? The anointing will be able to work for you if:
- You have faith or confidence in what the anointing can do. Faith opens the door of possibilities (Mk.9v23). If you are the type that belittles the anointing, there is no how it will work for you. It is important to have faith in the anointing; if not, then it’s not going to work for you at all. The greater your faith in the anointing, the greater the possibilities that abound. So it is important to deal with unbelief, doubt and fear because it has the potential of short-circuiting the power of God. So say no to fear and say Yes to faith so that the anointing can really begin to work for you and put you in the place where you belong in destiny.
- Desire the anointing you need to have. You need a strong desire for the anointing if it’s going to work for you (Lk.6v21). Your desire is important in the outworking of the anointing; strong desire will produce strong results while weak desires will produce weak results (Rev.21v6). So how strong is your desire for the anointing? At times, people say they want the anointing, but from their desires, it is very clear and apparent that they don’t really want the anointing because the way you make the anointing work for you is by having a strong desire for it. Through your desire, you attract or activate God’s power in your direction. This is what happened in the story of the woman with the issue of blood in Mark chapter 5; through her persistent desire, she was able to draw on God’s power. God has always promised to satisfy the longing soul, so come before him today with a dissatisfaction that has to be satisfied over and over again. Then and then only will you begin to experience the possibilities that are in the anointing.
- Walk in the anointing. If the anointing is going to work for you, you need to walk in the anointing. Most people are just passive, dormant or inactive; until you begin to take steps or moves, you will never really see what the anointing can do. That’s why it’s important to take seriously the prophetic instructions given to you by God because it has a way of activating the flow of the anointing. The reason Peter could walk on water was that he acted on the prophetic word that Jesus gave him in Matthew 14, verse 29. So what promise or instruction has he given to you? It’s when you step out by Faith that is when you begin to see the wonders of his power. In order to experience the fullness of what the anointing can do, we need to be courageous enough in obeying the lead and instructions of the Holy Spirit. So let nothing stop you from responding to the promptings and the instructions of the Holy Spirit because it will open you up to a world of unimaginable encounters in the anointing. I pray for you today that whatever need or desire may be in your life right now, as you begin to take steps, it will activate God’s power in your life. So may you experience God’s visitation in that area of your life in Jesus name, amen (Jam.2v20,26).
My dearly beloved ones, I believe you can see that it’s possible to be a partaker of the anointing. So what are you waiting for? As you begin to take these steps, the anointing will begin to work in your favour.
Other Scriptural References: (Heb.11v6; 2Chro.20v20; Gen.32v26; Ps.107v9; Jn.7v37; Matt.5v6; Isa.44v3-4; 2Cor.12v9; 1Jn.2v20, 27; Jn.5v5).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, may your anointing accomplish its purposes and use in my life in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: The Anointing opens the door of possibilities for me! Everything is possible with & by the anointing! The anointing will work for me! I will be a partaker of what it can do! My life and work will reflect the anointing! Glory be to God; as I partake of the anointing, my life and story are changing for the better!
Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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