2Chronicles27verse6 ‘So Jotham became mighty, because he prepared his ways before the LORD his God’
You are welcome back to our discussion on how to deal with the roadblocks to successful living. I believe that you are blessed by the things that have been shared with you so far. And today, by his grace, we will be looking at another important obstacle that you need to deal with if you will really be successful in life. My dear friends, as you can see from our text scripture (2Chro27v6), success is not by accident or luck. You have a part to play in the equation of success. So the earlier you know this, the better for you at the end of the day. So what is another obstacle to success that you need to deal with?
2. Focussing on your weakness at the expense of your strength. This is another limiter of success you need to deal with if you want to succeed in this life. So you need to stop majoring in what you don’t have the ability for at the expense of what you have strength for. I know that you can’t do everything but you also need to know that you are very good at certain things. Matt25v14. I also know that our culture or environment has trained many of us to focus on our shortcomings, disabilities and failures instead of our success and abilities. This is why you need to change this mentality. It’s time to focus your time and energies on things that you do well. Start focusing on your strengths, gifts, potential, talents, strong points etc. Philem1v6: Pro25v14
My dearly beloved, it’s time for you to make a paradigm shift. It’s time to start paying attention to what you focus on. Why is this very important? It’s important because:
-What you focus on is what you will get.
-What you focus on is what will be magnified in your life.
-what you focus on is what you will become. Pro23v7
This is why you need to focus your time, energies, abilities and resources on the things that you do well. So what are those things that you particularly do very well? I am sure that they are many; it’s just because you are not giving attention to it, that is why it’s not so obvious. So, my dear reader, I challenge you today to start making a list of all the good things that you have in your life. Enumerate them! Write it down! It will surprise you what you will discover. In actual fact, you will see:
-you are much richer than you think.
-the possibilities that you have
-that what you have is far greater than what you don’t have.
So my dear brothers and sisters, in order for you to really succeed, you need to change your orientation. Start concentrating on what you do well and do it better than anybody else. In this way, you will be on your way to building an enviable and glorious life of success. Eccle9v10
Other Scriptural References: Pro22v29: 1Tim4v14: 2Tim1v6: 1Cor7v20: Pro27v8: Rom11v13
Prayer for Today: Heavenly father, I thank you for the wonderful gifts and abilities you have blessed me with in Jesus name.
CONFESSION: By the grace and mercy of God, I will live up to my true potential. I will become everything that I am capable of becoming. I will not disappoint God and my generation. As I focus on the good things in my life, my paths will keep shining brighter and brighter in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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