2 Chronicles 27 verse 6 ‘So Jotham became mighty because he prepared his ways before the LORD his God.’
Success is within reach of everyone for as long as they are willing to meet the conditions for success. This is one of the reasons Jotham became mighty, as we can see in our text scripture (2Chro27v6). Success does not come from wishful thinking or desires but from being willing to deal with the obstacles on your way to success. If the truth be told, there are hindrances or barriers to your pathway to success. My dear friends, you have to be willing to deal with these obstacles to succeed. This is what we will be talking about in this series of teachings and today, by his grace, I would like to share the first obstacle with you. So off we go!
1. Not believing in yourself that God can do it through you. This is one of the hindrances to success that you need to deal with if you want to succeed. Whatever enterprise or field of endeavor that you may be in, you need to believe that God can do it through you. What separates winners from losers is believing in the ability of God on the inside of you to face whatever situation. Rom8v31: Ps118v6.
So to what extent do you believe in yourself? God has no favorites but it’s those who endear themselves to him that he is close to. So it’s time to stop doubting whether God can make it happen through you. Change your mentality to God using you to bring about a positive change in your generation. LK1v45: Matt9v29.
My dear reader, you need to stop listening to the wrong source! Stop believing more in what people are saying about you other than what God is saying about you. God is to be believed more than any other thing. Never allow men or your environment to limit or determine your destiny. If you want to really succeed, you need to start seeing yourself the way God sees you. Do you know that there is a way God sees you? When you look at his word, you see a collection of how he sees you. Jos1v8. So if I were you, I would stop believing that God can’t make it happen through me. Instead, I will start believing that God will make it happen through me. This is how you need to see yourself and also talk about if you will really succeed. So say this after me:
-I am what God says I am.
-I have what God says I have.
-I can do what God says I can do.
-I will get to where God says I will get to.
-I can become what God says I will become.
So my dear brothers and sisters, choose to believe God’s report concerning you instead of the world. Only God knows your true worth or measure, so don’t allow any man to put you down. And also, only God believes the best will come out of you. So choose to agree with God and not your past or feelings. Choose to be a believer indeed and not a doubter. Mk9v23. Believe his word above every other thing. I have discovered that when we believe God’s report instead of man’s report, a lot of great things will take place, such as we see below:
-Moses- A fugitive/murderer becoming a Deliverer
-Solomon-A child becoming the Wisest Man
-Paul-A persecutor becoming a Preacher of Righteousness
-Ruth- An outcast becoming a Friend and True Companion
-Rahab-A prostitute becoming a Preserver of Life
-Jacob -A cheat becoming a Prince of God
So my dear reader, whatever the world calls you will amount to nothing if you believe God’s report concerning you. Stop belittling yourself! Start believing in yourself! Start believing that God can make it happen through you and you will begin to see the miracles of God at work in your life. If you are receiving this, say a Big AMEN.
Other Scriptural References: Acts 10v34-35: Rom10v12: Lk18v27;1v38: 2Chro20v20: Jer1v5;29v11: Eph2v10: Ps139v14
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I fully embrace and believe that I am whatever you say I am in Jesus’ name, amen.
CONFESSION: I believe that I will make it in life. Success is within my reach because I am a believer, not a doubter. No matter what may come my way, I believe I have what it takes to overcome and win triumphantly in Jesus’ name.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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