2Chronicles27verse6 ‘So Jotham became mighty because he prepared his ways before the LORD his God.’

Success is available to everyone regardless of age, race, gender, tribe, background, or environment, but not everyone will be successful because not everyone is ready to overcome the roadblocks to successful living. If you will truly succeed in life, you need to be prepared to overcome the roadblocks on your way. Almost every good thing will be attacked or opposed. This is why you need to know how to deal with the roadblocks on your way to success. Success is never on a platter of gold. There are enemies on your way to greatness in life and in fact, the people who have succeeded did so because they were willing to deal with the challenges or difficulties on their way. Are you ready for such kind of work? 1Pet4v12: Heb6v15
A roadblock is essentially obstacles, hindrances, impediments, stumbling blocks, opposition, barricades, barriers etc. These are just some of the ways that roadblocks manifest themselves, but the good news is that these things can be removed or conquered. The issue is not whether you will face roadblocks or not but what you are going to do about it. My dear reader, this is why I believe God is bringing this series of lessons your way. I pray that you will find the strength and wisdom to overcome anything that is standing in your way of success in Jesus name, amen. 1Cor15v57: 1Jn4v4

So what is the purpose of these roadblocks? What are they trying to achieve in your life? These roadblocks essentially want to:

Prevent you from getting to your destination. This is obviously the goal of Satan, but in the name of Jesus Christ, he will not succeed.
Delay you from getting to your destination. This is what he tries to do to you once he can’t stop you. But in the name of Jesus, I see God granting you victory. Isa54v17
Make it difficult for you to get to your destination. His plan is that if he can’t stop you, he makes it impossible, but his plans won’t see the light of day.
Reduce the speed or momentum with which you are moving to your destination.

My dearly beloved ones, it’s apparent that Satan is after your progress, but in the name of Jesus Christ, he will not succeed in any of his attempts because you are more than a conqueror. If you believe this, say a Big AMEN.

Other Scriptural References: 1Jn5v4: 2Cor2v14: 1Pet5v8: Eph6v12: Matt24v13: Rom8v31,37: Deut23v5

Prayer for Today: In the name of Jesus Christ, I stand against every obstacle on my pathway to success today!

CONFESSION: I am destined to succeed in Jesus name, amen. Success is part and parcel of my heritage in Christ. So therefore, I refuse to allow any hindrance or impediment to stop me from getting to my expected destination in life. I will attain and become what God says I will become. I will succeed with his help and grace!