Luke18verse1 ‘And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;’
Prayerlessness is a burden and barrier that needs to be dealt with in our lives if we will ever rise up to the fullness of God’s provisions for us as believers. This is why we have been sharing on the subject of overcoming prayerlessness and I believe you have been blessed on every side.
Prayer is a habit or attitude you must cultivate as a believer. Prayer is also an anointing that you need to imbibe and constantly renew in your life. Rom8v26. This is why I believe God will pour the anointing to pray on us here. So how can you overcome prayerlessness? What is the antidote to prayerlessness? If you must overcome prayerlessness, then you need to pay attention to the following things:
1. Pray on your own. To develop your prayer life, you need to pray often and always. My dear friends, you need to develop a personal praying life. Strive and endeavour to pray alone and keep praying no matter what may come. Begin to pray and keep on praying. By all possible means, keep on praying. Make sure that you don’t stop praying. In fact, don’t stop praying, no matter what. When this becomes your attitude and resolution, you will begin to get much more from your prayer life. I pray that this will become a living reality in your life. Rom12v12
Other Scriptural References: Acts1v14: Hab2v1: Eph6v18: Isa66v8: 1Sam1v11-12: Luk11v5-13
Prayer for Today: By faith, I d]eclare that an end has come to all forms of prayerlessness in my life today; in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I commit myself to the ministry of prayer. I choose to pray, and I am committed to prayer. By the grace and mercy of God, I will keep on praying no matter what may come my way. I fully embrace the spirit of prayer in all that I do! As I walk in this dimension, my prayer life will never be the same again!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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