James 1 v 8: He is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.

Dearly Beloved, Indecision is a waster of time and resources. This is why you need to deal with the burden of Indecision on time lest you become a victim of it. It’s apparent from our text in James 1 v 8 that indecisiveness will negatively impact your life. This is one of the major reasons God is sending this message your way today. It’s possible to overcome Indecision. It’s possible to have the upper hand no matter how long this enemy of your destiny has enslaved you. This is what this series of teachings are all about, and I guarantee you that you will find all the help you need in dealing with this problem in Jesus name, amen. As a way of understanding what Indecisiveness is all about, I have shared six reasons so far with you as to why people struggle with making decisions, and today, by his grace, I will be shading more light on this. So if you are ready, let’s examine these reasons right away.


  1. Because they are easily distracted. There are many distractions in our world, which is perhaps why some people find it difficult to make decisions on time because they are being pulled in different directions on every side. This making it hard for them to make up their minds on what they really want. My dear reader, you need to deal with everything that is not allowing you to keep your focus. Winners focus while losers spray. It’s time for you to major on the major things and also minor on the minor things if you ever want to defeat Indecision in your life (1Cor. 6 v 12). So what is distracting you from focusing on things that are really important to you and your destiny?
  2. Because they are not ready to take Risks. If you never take risks, it means you are staying in your comfort zone and playing it safe. However, this kind of attitude will also not help you make sound decisions on time because this is one reason some people are indecisive. Your heavenly father made you a trailblazer, not a conformist. So why are you living below your privileges as a child of God? Not taking a risk is a risk in itself. So stop the fear and move out of your boat. If you don’t come out of your boat, you will never walk on water. You need not be afraid of taking risks because your heavenly father is available and with you to walk you through that process if you allow him. Therefore, don’t allow the fear of stepping out to keep you in perpetual bondage. Free yourself from today by taking the bull by the horn. In this way, Indecision will no longer be a struggle in Jesus name, amen (1Sam. 14 v 6).
  3. Because they are not aware of the consequences of Indecision. Your actions have great consequences. In the same vein, not making up your mind on time is a burden and not a blessing. It’s a liability and not an asset. It’s not something that you escape its consequences. This is why you need to rise up against Indecisions. It’s time for you to stand up to this enemy. You need to understand that you are enforcing its grip over you any time you yield yourself to indecision. So make up your mind from today that you will not succumb to the wiles and caprices of Indecision in your life (Gal. 6 v 7).

Dear Friends, it’s time for you to take the issue of indecisiveness in your life seriously. It’s something you need to give your adequate time and attention to if you want to fulfill your colorful destiny. I decree that today marks the beginning of such an encounter in Jesus name, amen.

Other Scriptural References: (Rom. 6 v 23; Matt. 4 v 19; Dan. 1 v 8; Philip 3 v 13-14; 2Kings 2 v 9-11; Lk. 9 v 62; Ps. 16 v 8: 57 v 7).

Prayer for Today: Precious Holy Spirit, I activate your power within me today to help me make my choices quickly and confidently in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: I no longer find it hard or difficult to make decisions because the truths of God’s word sets me free from today. I refuse to tolerate my excuses and weaknesses for being Indecisive. The order is changing for me. My story, too, is changing. By the wisdom and power of God, I subdue and conquer all forms of Indecision in my life. My hour of liberation has come in Jesus name, amen.