James 1 v 8: He is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.
Today, I will be sharing a series of lessons on the subject of Indecision. Yes, you can overcome and conquer indecision. This is an important exercise that you need to master if you will fulfil your colourful destiny because Indecision is one of the greatest limiters of your potential and abilities. One of the traits of successful people is making up their minds on time or quickly. What kind of person are you when it comes to making decisions? Are you a decisive or indecisive kind of person? (Matt. 21 v 23-27)
To be indecisive means not making choices quickly and confidently, not setting something or making something final or certain. It also means finding it hard to make decisions. Your decisions matter a lot because they will determine the direction in which your life will go. This is why you need to deal with indecisiveness in your life. So why are people indecisive?
- Because they don’t know what they want: If you don’t know what you want out of life or anything in general, you will most likely be indecisive. This is why you need to know what you want in life, business or career, ministry or family, etc. Clarity helps you to make up your mind on time. So you need to endeavour to know what you really want out of anything you do in life if you really want to be victorious over indecision (1Cor. 14 v 8).
- Because they have not thoroughly done their homework: Failure to prepare is often one of the reasons why many people are indecisive. The greater your preparation, the greater your confidence levels and vice-versa also. Preparation time is never wasted time as if it helps you to save time and money. Preparation aids execution, so if you are in the habit of not making solid preparations, you will struggle with making decisions (Lk. 14 v 28).
- Because they are afraid: Fear is also one of the primary reasons people are indecisive. These fears come in the form of:
– Fear of Man (Prov. 29 v 25).
– Fear of Failure.
– Fear of Tomorrow, i.e. Insecurity or Uncertainty (Jn. 16 v 33)
– Fear of Rejection (Jn. 1 v 11-12)
– Fear of Persecution (2Tim. 3 v 12)
Whatever type of fear it is, you need to deal with it; otherwise, it will keep you grounded in life because fear paralyses initiatives and kills momentum. It also impedes someone’s progress in life. So it’s time to say no to all your fears so that you can go forward (Isa. 41 v 10, 13)
My dear reader, it is clear that knowing what causes indecisiveness can also help you to become decisive. So It’s time to rise up to the challenge
Other Scriptural References: (Acts 24 v 25; 1Kings 18 v 21; 1 Sam. 14 v 6; Dan. 1 v 8; Num.13v30; Lk.15v12, 17-20).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I say no to every form of indecision in my life from today in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I stand against every form of indecision in my life and ministry. Indecision will no longer rule and dominate me. I am resolved in my heart to defeating this enemy of my destiny. Therefore, I rise in victory, power and strength over Indecisiveness from today. Glory be to Jesus as I am operating from the victory point of view, henceforth!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.