Pro.4v5-7: Get wisdom! Get understanding! Do not forget, nor turn away from the words of my mouth. Do not forsake her, and she will preserve you; love her, and she will keep you. Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore, get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.
How can someone operate in the wisdom of God? How do you access the Wisdom of God when you need it? I believe this question has been asked by a lot of people. You are not alone and I want you to know that It’s possible to access the Wisdom of God. It’s not something that cannot be gotten; otherwise, God would not have asked you to Get it. (See Proverbs 4v5,7). So the Wisdom of God is gettable and our focus in this lesson is to show you how you can access God’s Wisdom whenever you need it. Are you ready for this? So off we go!
1. By pursuing it aggressively. I mean by going after wisdom through asking, seeking, and knocking on the door of wisdom (Matt.7v7-8). If you don’t ask, you won’t get it. If you don’t seek, you won’t find. And if you don’t knock, the door won’t be opened unto you. So in what ways exactly can you pursue after the Wisdom of God?
You can do this by the following:
– Before you do anything, ask for the Wisdom of God. This was the secret of Solomon and also many wise men. Always make this your strategy and you will never lack his Wisdom (Jam.1v5).
– Seek for God’s Wisdom until it manifests. Don’t ever become weary in seeking after the Wisdom of God. It’s only those who persevere that will ultimately get it (Pro.2v1-5)
– Make it your prayer and intercession. Make the issue of getting Wisdom part of your prayers and you will discover that his Wisdom will no longer elude you (Mk.6v2).
– By seeking the Word of God. As you search the scriptures, you will encounter God’s Wisdom because God’s word is actually God’s Wisdom (Jos.1v8; Ps.19v7; 2Tim.3v15). The Word of God has answers to every issue of life, so as you consult his Word, you will gain wisdom and insights as to what to do. As you do this, you will never fail in Jesus name, amen.
– By praying in tongues. Praying in tongues is one of the means by which the wisdom of God is made available to you for any situation of life. How is this so? Because when you pray in tongues, you are speaking the Wisdom of God in a mystery (1Cor.2v6-7). Or you are simply speaking the answers to your challenges in a coded language. But you can also access understanding as you learn to release your faith for the interpretation. So this is a powerful means of accessing God’s wisdom. It has worked wonders in my life and I believe the same will be true about yours because God is no respecter of persons but of faith. So I know you won’t be put to shame in Jesus name, amen (1Cor.14v2).
My dear brothers and sisters, I believe it’s a brand new day for you. I See you walking in the wisdom of God!
Other Scriptural References: (Isa.34v16; 64v7; 1Jn.2v20, 27; Matt.11v12; Jer.29v13).
Prayer for Today: I make the seeking after the Wisdom of God my culture and way of life in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: As I seek after the wisdom of God, his wisdom begins to manifest to me in all that I do. My testimony is that God’s wisdom is my guide and leader. I don’t walk in the dark anymore. I have his light and illumination. I know what to do and where to go because his wisdom is my heritage. Glory be to God, it’s a new day for me in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Hmm before you do anything ask for the wisdom of God
Praying in the spirit activates Gods wisdom. I like this one.
Thank you for sharing these posts sir.
I have learnt a lot from this topic “operating in the wisdom of God” thank you Sir.