Jn.2v5: His mother said to the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it”.
Obedience is the master key to breakthroughs in life and Ministry. This is why you cannot afford to joke or play with God’s instructions to you. As you can see from our text scripture in (John 2 verse 5), it was the obedience of the servants to the instructions of Jesus that brought about that Miracle (Jn.2v7-9). Have you ever wondered what would have happened if they refused to obey the strange instructions of Jesus?
My dear brothers and sisters, it’s clear from this experience that God’s instructions and directives are the keys to your breakthroughs and also miraculous Encounters. So you need to cultivate the habit of obeying his Instructions to you (Mk.3v5).
As a general rule, I have discovered that you need to obey God’s instructions no matter:
1. How foolish it looks. Because the foolishness of God is often wiser than the Wisdom of Men (1Cor.1v26-29).
2. How simple it looks. Most of the time, we miss out on the Miraculous because it looks simple. This is why you need to pay attention to his Commands.
3. Your Age or Status. Don’t let your experience or position hinder you from the Wonders of God. So never allow your age or status to come between you and your God.
4. Your Experience and Qualifications. God’s ways surpass all your experience and qualifications, so obey him nonetheless.
5. How long you have been obeying Him.
6. Your Circumstances or Conditions. Don’t allow your present situation from robbing you of a greater blessing.
7. How many times he asks you to do it (2ki.5v10).
8. What the Outcome is. Obey God regardless of the outcome and in any case, God won’t allow you to be put to shame (Jer.42v6).
9. How Hard it looks (Gen.22v1-3).
10. What he says. You need to know that whatever he says is for your own good. Assuredly you will laugh at last.
My dear reader, nothing compares to your ability to obey your heavenly father. So watch out for his Instructions to you from henceforth! As you do this, your life and things won’t be the same again in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: (Matt.11v15; Mk.4v9; Pro.4v20-22; Jn.9v1-7; Gen.18v19; 26v5; Acts 3v6-7; Jn.5v8-9; Jos.6v1-16; Lk.17v11-14).
Prayer for Today: Precious Holy Spirit, help me never to miss out on God’s instructions to me in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: God’s Instructions are the pathway to Miracles and uncommon Breakthroughs in Life. Therefore, I am resolved to obey his instructions to me henceforth. Lord, Please Forgive me for ignoring and even disobeying your instructions in times past. From today, I turn a new leaf in Jesus name, amen. Glory be to his Name; it’s a new season for me!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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