Pro.15v22: Without counsel, plans go awry, but in the multitude of counsellors they are established.
How can New Year Resolutions work? This is an all-important question to ask ourselves if we will get anything meaningful out of our New Year Resolutions. The problem is not making new Year Resolutions but in fulfilling them. This is what our discussion will be centered on today. As you can see from Proverbs 15 verse 22, purposes mean nothing without a careful execution plan. So how can your new Year Resolutions work?
1. Â Let your resolutions be based on your personal encounter with God. Most New Year Resolution fail because it’s based on feelings, circumstances, tradition, spur of the moment, or unrealistic expectations. So what are your New Year Resolutions based on? Is it based on God or the euphoria of the moment? What is the motivation for your Resolutions? I have discovered from experience that resolutions based on God’s encounter tend to last and be productive. So my admonition to you is to let God be involved in setting your resolutions (Gen.12v1-4).
My dear brothers and sisters, I want you to resolve this year that you won’t do anything that does not have God’s approval.
2. Let your resolutions be based on your self-discovery. The resolutions that work are those that are based on your self-discovery and not the ones imposed on you by others. So it’s important for you to, first of all, discover yourself. Many people are strangers to themselves. They don’t know their strength, abilities, skills, purpose, passion, personalities, values, and beliefs. So who are you really? Do you know yourself? The answers you give to these questions will determine whether you really know yourself or not. So my counsel to you today is to stop working with someone else’s blueprint or model. Instead, work with your own model. Let your resolutions be really yours and not someone’s else. If you cannot take ownership of your resolutions, then it can’t work or fly (1Sam.17v38-39).
3. Let your resolutions be based on your efforts and work. What do I mean by this? Your new Year Resolutions won’t work without you working it. Likewise, purposes don’t work without a Plan. So, where is your plan of action? You need a workable plan (Lk.15v17-18, 20).
Nothing will change until you move. This is why you need to start doing something about your resolutions to see the light of day. So start working on:
– Yourself
– Your Dreams and Vision
– Your Goals and Aspirations
– Your Health and Body
– Your Finances
– Your Social Capital
– Your Character and Conduct.
As you fully commit yourself to work things out, you will find yourself in the land of your destination in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: (Neh.6v15; Jam.2v26; Philip.2v12; 2Cor.4v7: 2Tim.1v12; Pro.15v6; Jug.6v12-14: Acts 13v1-2).
Prayer for Today: Lord, I receive your wisdom in making my New Year resolution work in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: By the grace of God, my resolutions for this year will work. As I allow myself to be led by God and his Spirit, things are taking a new turn for me. My outcomes and results are changing for the better! I will sing a new song this year because my intentions will lead to a massive transformation in my life and work in Jesus name, amen.
Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Thank you Lord for your word.