Isa.55v10-11: As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth; it will not return to me empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
The word of God works wonders if you know how to work it. As you see from our text scripture in Isa.55v10-11, the word is designed to prosper and work anywhere it is sent. The word is designed to produce results in every area of our life and if it’s not working, it’s not the fault of God. This is an important truth that you need to know. The word works all the time for it is dependable and reliable. However, if the word will produce results, you need to know how to make the word of God work for you. How can you accomplish this?
- By believing the word. It’s believing the word with your heart and not your head that makes it work. Your belief is based on what the word says and not on what you see or feel (2Cor.5v7). Precious child of God, it is believing in the word that makes receiving possible. This was the secret of Elizabeth in (Lk.1v45). She was a believer and not a doubter; no wonder she experienced the manifestation of God’s promises. You too can encounter His word if you will only believe.
- By acting on the word. If you really believe the word, you will act on it or take corresponding action with regards to what you believe. My dear reader, the blessing is in doing not just hearing. Are you ready to act on His word? When you do, you will begin to experience the wonder working power in the word (Jn.13v17). The time to act is now! Rise up and act today! (Lk.11v28).
- By instantly obeying the Holy Spirit. As you wait on His word, divine instructions will come your way. Are you ready to obey His instructions? If you will really experience the miracle working power in the word, then you need to be willing to obey His voice. Obeying the voice of His word is your pathway to His wonders. Whenever He speaks, you need to obey. In fact, the more prompt you are in obeying His voice, the greater your miraculous encounter in the word! (Mk.3v5; Jn.2v5). My dear reader, put priority on obeying the Holy Spirit today! He will be your guide to the miracle working word.
Other Scriptural References: (Ps.95v7; Jn.5v5-6: 13v17; Acts 5v29: 26v19; Lk.8v21; Jam.1v22: 2v26; Rom.4v17-21; Mk.9v23; Lk.1v38; Isa.7v9).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I believe in the miracle-working word. Let your word work mightily in and through me in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: His word works mightily in me. His word is producing results in my life. Glory be to God; I am a living proof of His miracle-working word. My life is being changed from glory to glory. My testimony is changing for the better too. Praise God for His word is growing mightily in me and also prevailing for me in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Your Word works mightily in me as I believe, take corresponding action and obey promptly so help me LORD in JESUS Name. Thank you Sir.
In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God.I believed in the word of God and I believed I am set free.Shalom!
Thank you Lord for the power in your word
I believe in your word