Luke2verse49 ‘And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? Wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?’

God wants us to be mindful of his business. This is what Jesus demonstrated to us from our text scripture (Luke2verse49). He was so much concerned about the welfare and well-being of God’s work. No wonder he served God the way he served God. We, too, can learn from his example so we can take our work for God to another level. This is why today I will be sharing with you how you can know if you are minding His business or not. So what are the signposts of those who are mindful of His business?

Indicators of those who are mindful of His business:

1. They see God’s business as their business. This is the same mentality you need to have concerning God’s work too. Start seeing God’s work as your work. Start seeing it as your business. This is the kind of mindset that those who are mindful of his business have. Can you also say this about your own attitude? My dear reader, it’s time to have a paradigm shift about God’s business. May that change of mind begin today. 1cor15v10

2. They take ownership of God’s work. They don’t see his work as belonging to someone else, but they see themselves as a stakeholder in his house. So my dear reader, start seeing his work as belonging to you. As you take ownership of his Work, things will begin to change for the better in Jesus name amen. 1cor3v9

3. They take his work very seriously. Those who mind his business do not joke or toy with his work. God’s work is very dear and important to them; this is why they don’t handle his work anyhow or any way. God’s work means a lot to them and it’s pertinent to their heart. This is how you know whether or not you are mindful of his business. So how have you been taking God’s work? Rom12v11

My dearly beloved ones, from these truths that I have shared with you, I believe that you can now see what it means to be mindful of God’s business. I pray that a new zeal and passion for God’s work rest on you from now on in Jesus name, amen.

Other Scriptural References: Eccle9v10:1Sam21v8: Col1v29:1Chro22v5: Jn4v34

Prayer for Today: Lord let a new zeal for your house consume me in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: This is a new day for me. It’s a brand new beginning for me also. For my days of slacking behind in God’s work is over. God’s business is my business. Therefore, I take ownership of God’s work from henceforth in Jesus name, amen.