Acts 4V33: And with great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And great grace was upon them all.
God’s grace is available to you in an ever-abundant version but how much of it have you been able to appropriate. This is why I have been sharing with you the Mega Grace of God. God wants you to experience his Grace in this Dimension as the Early Apostles and Church experienced it. This is why today; I will be focusing on how to provoke this Grace. Are you ready for this? So here we go!
1. By not limiting God in our prayers. It’s possible to limit God in your prayer life. In fact, a wise man once said that God is often limited by his Children in their prayer lives. We ought to be mighty in our prayer lives, not weaklings. Prayer provokes the release of God’s Grace. In fact, in Acts 4, prayer provoked the mega Grace of God (see verse 31).
Therefore, in order to experience the Mega Grace of God, you need to take the limits off your prayer life (Eph.3v20; 2Cor.12v9). So precious child of God, you need to stop:
-praying for little things instead ask for bigger things (1Chro.4v10).
-praying to make a living, instead pray to make a life (Jam.1v5).
-praying for money, instead, pray for God to give you wisdom on how to make money.
My Dearly Beloved Ones, there is no how you pray like this and your life won’t change forever. So may this become your testimony and song in Jesus name, amen.
2. By not doubting God in your giving. There is a connection between giving and the grace of God, as you can see in scriptures (2Cor.8v1; 9v8). This is why you need to take your giving seriously, for there is great power in giving and receiving (2Cor.9v6; Lk.6v38). This is why you should not be weary in well-doing. Be faithful in your giving life because Giving is the:
-Way to Receiving. You can’t receive with a closed fist (Gal.6v7).
-Way to breakthroughs and greatness (Pro.18v16).
-Way to Supernatural Increase (Gen.26v12-14).
-Way to Uncommon Blessings.
-Way to Uncommon Favors.
Givers are Gracious People! They never lack because they are committed to their giving to God. Their Commitment to Giving also provokes the Mega Grace of God. May this be your living reality in Jesus name, amen.
3. By not limiting your Gratitude to God. To experience the Mega Grace of God, you need to abound in Gratitude. Gratitude is the key to a Graceful life. The more Grateful you are, the more Graceful your life will be. This is why you should not be stingy with your gratitude. Instead, make sure you lavish it generously on your God. When you increase your Gratitude, it automatically increases your Grace in your life. So say no to murmuring and complaining. Embrace the attitude of gratitude today and see his Grace in ascendance in your life (2Cor.4v15; Lk.17v15-16, 19).
My dear brothers and sisters, these are some ways by which you can experience the Mega Grace of God; I pray this will be your testimony from today in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: (2Sam.6v13-14; Philip.2v14; Isa.32v20; Eccle.11v1; Acts 4v33-34; Ps.2v8: 78v41; 2Cor.9v14; Col.2v6-7; Jn.12v3; 1Pet.4v9).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I receive your wisdom in walking in the Mega Grace of God in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: God’s Grace is available to me on a Mega Level. This also shall be my experience and lot in life. I refuse to live lesser than the provisions of my heavenly father. Therefore, his Mega Grace will speak in every area of my life. Thank you, Jesus, for your abounding and abiding Grace towards me in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Abounding and abiding Grace as I take my Gratitude to a higher level, help me Lord.