Psalm 116v12-14 ‘What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits toward me? V13-I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord. V14-I will pay my vows unto the Lord now in the presence of all his people.’
Does someone have any reason to be thankful in the midst of all that’s happening in our world? The answer is a definite Yes! The truth of the matter is that we have multiple reasons to be thankful to our God. In case you are still wondering if there are any reasons to be grateful, I believe by the time you are done reading this write-up, you will come to see many reasons to be thankful. The psalmist was a grateful person; that was why he was asking in our text scripture in Psalm116verse12 (what he could render as his appreciation to God). You and I, too have multiple reasons to be thankful. So what are these reasons? These are the things I would like us to consider in today’s devotional. So if you are ready, here we go!
1. Because you are alive. We often don’t celebrate the gift of life like we ought to and it’s definitely one of the reasons why you need to be grateful because once there is life, there is still hope. So my dear reader, choose to be grateful for life. Isa38v18-19: Ps88v11;115v17
2. Because you are well. The blessing of wellness is often taken for granted. So when was the last time you offered appreciation to God for your health and wellbeing? Well, you need not wait any longer; you can actually start today by showing gratitude for good health. 3Jnv2
3. Because you have not lost everything. You may have lost some things, but I tell you that the reason you have not lost everything is Jesus. So my dear reader, be grateful for that. In fact, when you show gratitude over what you have left, God will give you something much better and bigger. 1Sam30v6.
4. Because you have Jesus. This is something that is worth thanking God for. Why do I say this? Because when you have Jesus, you have everything. This is something that is worth celebrating in your life. So stop the despair and start rejoicing because you have Jesus! Glory be to God in the highest! Jn14v6
5. Because everything is working together for your good. Although you might not know how, trust me, from what I have seen from the faithfulness of God, all things will work together for your good. This is why you need to be grateful. And in case you are in doubt, look at the story of Joseph or Daniel in the bible. At the end of the day, things worked out for their good. This also can become your testimony if you are thankful. So what are you still waiting for? It’s time to show your gratitude to this awesome God. I pray that the voice of gladness and thanksgiving will never cease in your tabernacles. If you believe this, say a big AMEN. Rom8v18,28
Other Scriptural References: 2Cor4v15,17: 2Sam6v14-15: Jb1v20-21: Ps103v1-2: Rom1v8: 1Thess1v3-4: Hab3v17-19
Prayer for Today: Lord, help me to see the good in every bad situation of life in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I have many reasons to be thankful. I choose to count my blessings and not to complain. I choose to see the positives in every negative situation of life. As I focus my heart on gratitude, my joy and peace shall know no bounds in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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