2Cor.4v8-9: We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed.
How will you rate yourself when it comes to managing crisis? Are you handling crisis poorly or properly? Depending on the answers that you give, I want you to know that you can become a better crisis manager. This provision and grace are available to you in Christ Jesus and this is what this series of teachings are all about. If Apostle Paul could manage crisis effectively, you too can because God is no respecter of persons but a respecter of faith (Rom.10v12-13). However, before we look at how to manage crisis properly, I will like to examine how crisis proves or tests us. Yes, whether you know it or not, any crisis will test or try you in different ways and manners. In more specific terms, I want us to look at ways in which the crisis of life test us:
- Crisis will test your bearing capacity. By this, I mean crisis will test your tenacity or enduring ability. Crisis helps you to know whether you are stronger or weaker and tough or easy. It also reveals what you can handle and what you can’t deal with. So how well are you coping or dealing with the crisis you are facing now. My dear reader, I want you to know also that God knows what you can deal with, so rest assured that whatever you are facing now, you can deal with it. Glory, this is so encouraging to know. Stop saying that you don’t have what it takes to deal with that situation. Yes, you can, and by his grace, I see you winning over that warfare (1Cor.10v13; Phil.4v13).
- Crisis will test your leadership capacity. Your capacity to lead will either shine through or be defective in a time of crisis. The truth of the matter is that you know a true leader in a time of crisis. A true leader rises to the occasion or challenge in a time of crisis. David came into the limelight during a time of crisis. Daniel also came into the limelight during a time of crisis. The same can also be said of Ruth and Mordecai too. Their leadership ability shined through in the time of crisis (1Sam.17v26, 32-37, 42-50). Yes, I know that a time of crisis is a challenging period, but it’s an opportunity to test and grow your leadership ability. So will you allow the leader in you to arise and shine forth? This will happen as you begin to take hold of the opportunities that are hidden and buried in a time of crisis. So be bold and courageous! Don’t shrink back! Don’t run away or turn back. Face what is before you courageously; it shall be your stepping stone to greatness and glory in Jesus name. As you take a stand, I see the forces and host of heaven backing you up in Jesus name, amen. So go forth and manifest his glory!
Other Scriptural References: (1Pet.5v10; Rom.8v18; Job 14v14; 2Tim.2v13; Jos.1v6, 7, 9).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I surrender to your will and plan for me in a time of crisis. Through your grace and power, I win in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: As I go through the crisis of life, I will come forth like gold. I rise and shine for his glory in my time of difficulty and trouble. I am becoming a better and stronger person in my hour of crisis. I will not fail the test of leadership and endurance in my hour of crisis. Instead, my leadership ability moves from one level of glory to another in Jesus name, amen.Â
Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Lord I surrender to your will and plan for me in the time of crises because I know Victory is mine. I am becoming a better and stronger person in my hour of crisis Amen!
Lord grant me the Grace to endure in time of crises so that Your plans and purpose will be established in my life.