2Cor.4v8-9: We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed.

You are welcome back to our discourse on becoming a better crisis manager and I believe you have been blessed by the powerful keys I have shared with you so far that will enable you to manage the crisis of life better. The truth of the matter is that crises are part and parcel of life, but thanks be to God, we are never without his help and wisdom. So, this means you are destined to win. I have shared two powerful principles that can help you to become a better crisis manager; my focus in today’s lesson is to share another important key that will help you in this regard. So, without much ado, let us examine this key.


3. By following God’s directives and instructions to you. To become a better manager of crisis you need to obey God’s instruction to you. This means that your ability to hear God is very crucial in becoming a crisis manager. Ps37:23. So my dear reader:

– Do you know what God is saying to you in this season? 2Kings7:1

– Do you know where God wants you to go in this season? 1Kings17:2, 9

– Do you know what God wants you to do in this season? Gen.31:10.

Your answer to these questions is very important in becoming a better crisis manager. And I have discovered from experience that:

  • What the Lord has to say to you will be insightful and informative.
  • Where the Lord ask you to go is vital to your provision and peace.
  • And what the Lord wants you to do is vital to your prosperity and wellbeing. This is why you need to be sensitive to his voice and leading. Don’t follow your own ways or your own reasoning. You know there are many voices in the world, so it is important to follow the right voice, which is the voice of God. Rom.8:14.

Your ability to hear from God is crucial in a time of crisis. This was what helped the likes of Joseph, Daniel, Mordecai and Apostle Paul in their moment of crisis. God has not changed as he is in the business of speaking to his children. What is therefore important is for you to obey his voice. Whichever way God speaks to you either through:

  • The still small voice
  • Your intuition or convictions. Rom.14:5
  • The voice of your recreated human spirit. Pro. 20:27
  • The witness of the Holy Spirit. Rom.8:16
  • His word. Matt.4:4

What is important is to obey him! And what does it mean to obey? To obey means to comply with the command, orders or instruction of a superior or with the requirements of law, moral, political or municipal to do that which is commanded or required or to forbear doing that which is prohibited (according to Webster’s Daniel Dictionary 1828 edition).

My dear readers, are you ready to follow God’s directives and instructions to you in this season? I guarantee you that this is one of the most profitable moves you will ever make in your life because it will surely work together for your good. So, see you in your land of actualisation.

Other Scriptural References: (Acts27:22,25,33-34; Gen.26:1-6; 2Kings8:1-2; Jer.10:23; Pro.3:5-6; 20:24;16:9; Rev.3:6; 1Tim4:1).

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I lay claim to your wisdom right now and by your wisdom. I prevail in my hour of crisis in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: It’s a new day for me. It’s a new beginning. Things are changing and working in my favour. I rise above the struggles and challenges of life. I go over and prevail by his grace and wisdom. His voice and wisdom is my strength this season and as I follow his instruction to me, I walk and operate in the fullness of plan for me. The time of famine is my time of fatness. The time of crisis is my time of comfort. I declare that all things, including the crisis is working together for my good in Jesus name. amen.