Psalm 18verse36. ‘Thou hast enlarge my steps under me, that my feet did not sleep.’
You are welcome back to our discussion on Making Giant Strides. God wants you to cover more grounds and also make significant progress. This is what making giant strides is all about and this should be a living reality in your life. My dear reader, these possibilities are available in God and I pray it will be so in your work and endeavours. So, what does it take to make Giant Strides? How can it be a reality indeed? This is what I intend to discuss with you now, so if you are ready for this, let’s examine these points right away.
1. Take Steps of Faith. What does this mean? It means to put your faith on the line. To make significant progress, you need to walk by faith. Faith has the ability to make the impossible possible and also give you access to the supernatural. Faith in God is a lifter and promoter. It will lift you above the natural, normal and physical. This is why you need to keep your faith alive and active if you will really make giant strides. My dear reader, I want you to remember that nothing is impossible to the man who believes. So what’s the mountain or giant that is before you? It shall be leveled in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.Heb11v6;10v38
2. Take Initiatives. Yes, this is an important requirement for making giant strides. God will bring the opportunities but you are the ones that will seize the moment. My dear brothers and sisters, it’s your responsibility to make a move, for it’s those who make the move that make the waves. The price of greatness is responsibility. This is why the buck stops at your table. Elisha had to go with Elijah from wherever he went to obtain the double measure of the anointing. Elisha took the initiative; in the same vein, you too must take the initiative for yourself. Opportunities are everywhere, it just comes to whether you will take the initiative or not. So at this juncture, my dearly beloved ones, are you ready to start taking Opportunities? When you do, you will be entering into a new dimension of life. I pray that today will usher you into such operations in Jesus name, Amen. Eph5v16
Dearly Beloved, the world is your constituency, so don’t settle for less. Dream big! Don’t allow your environment to limit you, for you are more than wherever you are now. So, rise and shine!
Other Scriptural References: Mk9v23: Lk1v45: Matt14v28-30;17v20:1sam9v3-6: Jam2v26: Jn2v5
Prayer for Today: Holy Spirit, I receive the possibilities that are available in making giant strides from today in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: My God is more than enough; therefore, I refuse to settle for something lesser or little. By faith, I take new territories and I also move to higher levels. By virtue of this impartation, my life won’t be the same again. I am gaining greater momentum and making significant progress! This is my testimony and my song!
Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
I am making giant strides henceforth as from today in Jesus mighty name.
Am gaining momentum and am making significant progress in Jesus name, Amen