Ephesians 5verse 1-2 ‘Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; and walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savour’.
As believers, we have been called to the love walk. In fact, God wants us to love as Jesus loved. This is the clear message in our text scripture (Ephesians 5v1-2). God wants you to walk in love like Jesus walked in love. Is it possible to love as Jesus did? The answer is a Big Yes! After all, God has given us the Spirit of Christ, which is the spirit of love. 2Tim1v7. Do you have what it takes to love like Jesus did because God won’t ask you to do what you cannot do. If you are going to love as Jesus did, then you need to know how Jesus loved. So how did Jesus love? Jesus loved in the following ways:
1. He loved unconditionally. He loved without any strings attached. He loved people the way they were. He did not discriminate or segregate people. This is how you ought to love also. Your Love should not be based on conditions. When you love like this, you will be manifesting the true nature of Love. Rom5v8
2. He loved selflessly. Our Savior was unselfish in his love. He was not thinking of himself but about others. In fact, He loved without expecting anything in return. This is the kind of love that Jesus showed to us and this is how we ought to love too. Lk23v42-43. It’s time to be selfless in your love for others. It’s time to love as Jesus loved.
3. He loved sacrificially. Jesus was willing to lay down his life for us. He gave up his life for us so that we might have his life. His love cost him something. What is your love costing you? Are you willing to make sacrifices? These are things that will portray to others that you are truly a child of God. Dear brothers and sisters, don’t allow the opportunity to show God’s love to our world to pass us by from today. Be ready to make sacrifices because of Love. If you receive this, say a big AMEN. 1Jn3v16
4. He loved sincerely. Jesus was genuine in his love. There was no deceit or hypocrisy about his love. What you see is what you get. This is how you too need to love. No pretense! No hidden agenda but just pure love. When you love like this, you will be showing to the world that you are truly his Disciple. So make your love genuine. Rom12v9
5. He loved to the end. This is how Jesus loved. He loved to the uttermost. He was steadfast and unwavering in his love. This is how God expects you to love. Our love should not be seasonal or unstable in nature. Instead, our love should be constant and consistent. Lk15v20. When we love in this manner, we cannot but catch the attention of our world.
Beloved, there is no other greater example of love displayed, like our Savior Jesus Christ. So how have you been loving? You can see from these truths that we have shared today that Jesus has given us a model of how to love. It’s time to rise up to the occasion. Love is the bond of perfection. As you love like Jesus, may you truly experience a complete transformation in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural references: Col3v14: 1Jn4v18: 1Tim1v5: 1Pet1v22: Jn15v12; 13v1: Matt20v28: Rom13v8,10
Prayer for Today: Lord help me to be able to love as you Loved in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Holy Spirit, help me to really live out the love walk as you did. Let my love be pure and genuine. Let my love be without deceit; let my love be sacrificial in nature. Help me to love to the very end. This is my prayer and desire in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Help me lord to love like you loved.
So Help me Lord. Amen