1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing.
It doesn’t matter how bad, dead or weak your prayer life is; it can still be revived if you meet certain conditions. There is hope for your prayer life. it can be restored, renewed and revamped. Eze37v1-11. This is why we are talking about reviving your prayer life today. Our text scripture (1Thessalonians 5verse17) shows that God wants you to pray without ceasing or intermission. He wants prayer to be part and parcel of your life, but this is not true about every believer. This is why God is sending this message your way, I trust that your prayer life will receive God’s visitation today. If God will succeed in reviving your prayer life, my dear brothers and sisters, you must be willing to cooperate with him. What do I mean by this?
1. You must really desire or want to be revived. This may shock you, but it’s the truth. Not everybody is willing to get revived. The question, however is, do you really want to be revived? If your answer is yes, you need to begin to thirst and hunger for Revival. I have discovered that revival usually comes. To those who want it. Why not start desiring and panting after the revival of your prayer life? Lk 6v 21
2. You must be willing to persevere in the place of prayer. Another way of saying this is that you pray until something happens. Be willing to press into God. The problem that we have is that people often give up too soon on their prayers. Dearly beloved, if you really want your prayer life to be revived, then you must be willing to tarry in the place of prayers. Lk18v1 as you begin to pray, one thing is sure, you will begin to experience transformation in Jesus name, amen. Lk9v29
3. You must be willing to engage the help of the Holy Spirit. Why do I say so? Because it is the Spirit of truth that can help you to develop a virile prayer life Rom8 v 26. So make sure you engage him and also carry him along. One thing is sure: the Holy Spirit’s fire will begin to burn on your prayer altar. 1ki18v36-38
So are you ready for a visitation from God? I can see fresh fire falling afresh on you. May this fire never run out in Jesus name.
Other Scriptural references: Acts2v1-4; 2v42; 6v4: ROM 12v12: Col4v2: Ps17v9: Isa44v3
Prayer for Today: Lord, let your work of revival begin in my prayer life today in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Lord, set my prayer altar on fire for you! Let your prayer revival come upon my soul. Today by the operation of the anointing, I receive fresh fire on my prayer life. Glory be to God, things are changing for the better for me in Jesus name amen

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Willingness to persevere in the place of prayer, to tarry in the place of prayers until my joy is full, till my changes come, help me Lord.