Ephesians 5verse15 ‘see then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise’.

Dearly Beloved, our lifestyle has a huge impact on the outcomes we have in our lives and if you want to be better, you need to pay attention to how you live. If your results will be different in a New Year, then you need to pay serious attention to your manner of life. This is what I have been sharing with you for some time now in this series and I hope you have been blessed so far. By the grace of God, our focus will be centered on another powerful key in living in the New Year. If you are ready, let’s examine this key right away.


6. Live a Better Life. Our God is a God of progress. He desires that you move from glory to glory and strength to strength. So, therefore, this year ought to be better than last year. You ought to have moved to another level. No matter what you encountered last year, this year ought to be better. Jn10v10.This should be your expectation and desire on all levels. God wants our experience to be better, so there is no reason why you should settle for less. A better life should be your aim and target! This is how God wants you to live. So how can this kind of life be made possible?

A Better Life can become your heritage if you:

Make Growth your Priority. If you will grow, then it’s certain that you will have a Better Life. So, my dear brothers and sisters, you need to take your personal growth seriously. If you grow, your life will change for the better because Growth is one of the fundamental keys to a Better Life. I want you to know that your life, story, and status cannot change for the better without your personal growth. So make plans to grow spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically, professionally, relationally e.t.c So where is your growth plan? Write it out and pursue them with all your heart. Lk1v80: 2Pet3v18

–  Are you willing to change. It’s easier to want others to change, but it’s more difficult for you to change. If you are not ready to change, then you will not live a better life SOS2v15. To get better, you need to be willing to:

Change intentionally. Nobody can force you to change if you are not ready for it.

Change Your methods and approach. Isa55v8

Be willing to cooperate with the Prophetic Word. Yes, the prophetic word is one of the things that will enable us live. So what are you doing with the prophetic word? How receptive are you to the prophetic word? The more receptive you are to his word, the more your chances of experiencing a better life. So never joke with his prophetic word to you. Don’t ever despise his words because it has the power to make your life better. So make up your mind to regulate your life with his words. Acts20v32; Jb36v11

My dear brothers and sisters, I believe you can see what makes a better life possible. So beyond what you are expecting, it’s time to begin to aspire for a better life. Don’t settle for lesser when God can give you the world! May today usher you into a new season of harvest and life.

Other Scriptural references: Isa1v19: Ps107v20: Pro13v13;24v27: 1Sam2v21,26;3v1,19: 1Pet2v2: 2Pet3v18

Prayer for Today: Lord, I release my faith for a better life this year in Jesus name amen.

CONFESSION: Jesus came so that I can have a better life, so I refuse to settle for anything lesser than what God has made available. The better life is my heritage. Therefore, I say No to Every other form of life. I say no to an average or inferior life; rather, I embrace the rich and superabundant Life that God has made available unto me in Jesus name amen.