Ephesians 5verse15 see then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise.
There are ways we ought to live and ways we ought not to live if we will fulfil our colourful destinies. Nothing just happens! You have a vital part to play in the process. This is why I have been sharing with you some key elements of how you ought to live in a New Year. So far, we have looked at two of these keys.
Today, I will share with you another important key element in living in the New Year. I believe this will bless and impart your life. So let’s examine this principle right away.
3. Live a life of purpose. This is one of the ways to live in the new year if you really want to make your mark. Stop living by the hit and miss approach. Stop living anyhow, instead live a life of satisfaction and fulfilment. This only comes by purposeful living. Pro16v4. So what is a life of Purpose all about? It’s about:
-Living a life of meaning or a meaningful Life.
-Living a selective life. Many things will catch your eyes, but not everything will captivate your heart. Mk4v24
-Living a life of direction. A person knows where he is going, what he wants to do and whom he wants to become. Jer1v4-5
This is why you need to live a purposeful life and not just any kind of life if you really want to leave your footprints on the sands of time. So my dear reader, a purposeful life should be one of your main priorities for the new year and in fact be a lifestyle too. So what is purpose? It’s the reason why something was made. It’s the intention in the manufacturer’s mind why something was made. It’s also the design, thought and plan God had in mind when he created you. Acts26v19. So my dear friends, have you discovered the purpose for your life? Stop following the crowd or the multitude rather follow God’s Plan for your life. God has a plan for your life and it’s your responsibility to find it out. Eph1v11.
The way to find it out is to go to God himself. As you seek His face in prayer and meditation, he will begin to open your eyes of understanding to his Purpose for your life. However, as you do this, I have discovered that the following questions can help you in discovering your purpose:
-What is my passion? Your passion is the key to your purpose. So make sure you find it out.
-What are the kind of opportunities I have had in life? The opportunities you have experienced is an indication of your purpose in life.
-What are my abilities or talents? Your giftedness is an indication of your purpose in life. So what are you gifted for? Rom11v29
-What are the tests and challenges you have been through in life? What you have been through is a preparation for your purpose and assignment in life.
-What gives me the greatest satisfaction? Whatever makes you fulfilled is an Indication of your purpose in life. So make up your mind to find it out as this is a major key to experiencing a beautiful year. So my brothers and sisters, it’s time to live a life of purpose! It’s time for you to major in what is really important and stop chasing shadows.
Other Scriptural references: Rom8v28: Jn4v34: Heb12v2: Pro19v21: 1cor9v25-27: Philip 3v13-14: Ps105v17-19
Prayer for Today: Precious Holy Spirit, help me to live a life of purpose the remaining days of my life in Jesus name amen.
CONFESSION: I say no to living anyhow. I choose to live according to his purpose for my life. My life has a meaning and reason! My life matters to God; therefore, I walk according to His plan for me and I won’t be put to shame! Living a purposeful life is my primary occupation and pursuit from henceforth in Jesus name, Amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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