Ephesians 5 verse 15 ‘see then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise’.

I am super excited about this series of lessons on how to live in the new year because it’s one of the major determining factors for having a successful year. I also trust that you are being blessed by these Messages. One thing is sure, God wants you to pay attention to how you live and it’s because this is a vital part of your life. In our last lesson, I shared with you one of how you ought to walk. Today by his grace, we shall be examining another way of living in the New Year. So if you are ready for this, here we go!


2. Live a life of Honesty. Honesty is still the best policy any day, any time. You need to make this your lifestyle also. Living a life of Honesty seems like a mirage in our days today but believe me, it’s one of the most powerful ways to live. By a life of honesty, I mean a life of sincerity, truthfulness, uprightness, integrity, and transparency .2Cor8v21; Heb13v18.

This is how God wants you to live. As much as possible, don’t live:

-A Deceptive life because this won’t pay you at the end of the day. Ps55v23

– An Hypocritical life because this kind of life too won’t be of any benefit to you. Jon2v8

-A life of Fear and Intimidation. 2tim1v7

-A False or Pseudo life.

My dear reader, you need to embrace a life of Honesty in all you do and in all your deeds. So make up your mind that you will be:

I. Truthful to Your God. This is how to live honestly. After all, there is nothing that we do that God doesn’t see, so why live dishonestly before him. Gen17v1

Ii. Be Truthful to Yourself, i.e. your conscience. Follow your heart. Pursue your dreams. Do what you have always wanted. Go where you have always wanted to go. Stop denying what you have. 1Pet3v16

– Be Truthful to your Fellow Human Being. Acts 24v16

Be Real and Authentic. Be Yourself. This is how you can live honestly. Stop trying to impress others. Stop trying to be what you are not. Stop living in self-denial. Be brutally frank with yourself. These are just some dimensions of honesty that you need to embrace so as to live out your colorful destiny. My dear brothers and sisters, a life of honesty pays great dividends like no other. It may look like you are not winning now but make no mistake about this; you will surely rise up to the top. Just like Daniel and Joseph did in their times, living a Life of honesty will promote and lift you higher and higher.  So make this your policy henceforth!

Other scriptural references: Acts20v33; Philip1v10; 2v15; Rom12v1; Ps5v6;37v37; Pro20v21;28v20;13v11

Prayer for Today: Oh Lord, let integrity and uprightness preserve me, for I put my trust in you.

CONFESSION: I embrace the lifestyle of honesty. I receive your grace and help to be truthful to you in all my dealings. I choose to be truthful to my fellow human beings and I also make a commitment today to be truthful to myself! I choose sincerity over Dishonesty and Deceit. As I walk this path, I will not be put to shame in Jesus name, amen.