Ephesians 5v 15 ‘see then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise’.
We are already in the New Year and it’s important to know how to live in the New Year if things will be different from last year. I have discovered that there are ways to live and ways not to live. Therefore, you need to ensure that you live in the right ways and not just anyhow. Pro14v12.This is why our text scripture encourages us to pay attention to how we live by living like a wise man and not a fool.
Without an exception, we all need to make certain adjustments to how we live. God is also interested in how you live your life too. Eph4v17:1Pet2v12.
So, my Dear reader, your lifestyle is very important I.e. How you live, conduct yourself, behave and your manner of life. You know there is this erroneous assumption that you know how to live once you are an adult, but this is always not the case. This is why this series of lessons is coming your way. So are there reasons why I should pay attention to how I live? The answer is a definite Yes!
1. Because it determines who or what you become. You are a product of your lifestyle. So who are you becoming? Are you pleased with who you are becoming? If not, you need to change your lifestyle. In fact, your success or failure is determined by your lifestyle. Pro27v17
2. Because it will determine where you will end up at the End of the Day. Your lifestyle will determine your final outcome or what you will get. Your lifestyle will determine whether you will end up in heaven or hell, on top or bottom, above or beneath. So my dearly beloved, where do you want to end up at the end of this year? Jb4v8
3. Because it can affect others either for good or for bad. Your lifestyle can either be a blessing or a burden. So the question to ask yourself is “Am I a good or bad influence? This is why you need to pay attention to how you live.2Cor9v2:1Pet3v1-2
4. Because I will render stewardship on how I live one day. If people really think about this point, then they will take more seriously how they live their lives. Dearly Beloved, it’s important for you and me to always remember that we will give account to our Maker for how we have lived our lives. 2cor 5v20. If you always have this at the back of your mind, it will serve as a reminder of taking our lives seriously.
So it’s time to live Right! It’s time to live in such a manner that will be glorifying to God! It’s Time to get right how to live in the New Year! May Today Usher you into a New Season of Change in Jesus name amen.
Other Scriptural references: Philip2v1415; Matt5v16; 1Tim4v12; 1Cor6v12; 3Johnv12; Ps147v19; 1Pet1v15; Acts17v31; Rev20v12
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, help me in a way that will be pleasing to you this Year in Jesus name amen.
CONFESSION: Lord, thank you for opening my eyes to the importance of how to live. This Year by your grace and help, I live a life that will bring you glory! I will live to the best of my abilities and potential! I will not disappoint you by your grace and I will live a full life, according to your ultimate plan for my life in Jesus name amen

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Let my life be a reflection of Your Glory, help me Lord.