Proverbs 17verse22. ‘A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.’
One medicine that we need so dearly today is laughter. Laughter is such a powerful medicine and it’s one medicine that we take so little of. As you can see from our text scripture (Pro17v22) that laughter is good medicine. It’s not just any kind of medicine but a good one, for that matter. If laughter is such a good medicine, why do we hardly laugh? In fact, when was the last time you laughed?
Researchers tell us that children laugh more often than adults. I know it’s good to be serious but you also need a regular dose of laughter.
Laughter is good for you. It is medicinal i.e., it has curative powers.
My dearly beloved ones, I have discovered some interesting things about laughter that I want us to consider:
1. God wants you to laugh. In fact, he wants you to do things that will make you laugh. Check out these scriptures: Jb8v21: Ps126v2
2. God himself Laughs. I know this may look strange but the scriptures never lie. Check out the following Scriptures:
-He that sitteth in the Heavens shall laugh… (Ps2v4)
-The Lord shall laugh at him… (Ps37v13).
-I will also laugh at your calamity…(Pro1v26).
My dearly beloved ones, it’s apparent that God is in the business of laughing, so laughing is not a sin.
3. God has a very good sense of humour too. By the time you take out time to read the following stories in this scripture, you will see what I mean (2kings6v8-25: Gen21v6).
My dear reader, laughter is a good medicine that we need to take very often. It’s a medicine we all need, but why is it not a regular part of our lives? Why don’t we laugh often? We don’t laugh regularly because:
1. We don’t know what laughter can do for us. My dear reader, if you realize the tremendous power of laughter, you will take laughing more seriously. This is why our text scripture (Pro17v22) says there is power in Laughter. The power of laughter can relieve stress, increase pain tolerance, support your immune system, lower your blood pressure, heal your soul and body and several other benefits that time won’t allow me to mention. Pro15v13
2. We have allowed ourselves to be overwhelmed by the troubles of this world. Yes, I don’t deny that there are problems, but you need to put your problems where it really belongs. One thing that you need to do often as a believer is to never allow your problems to take away your eyes from the Lord. Always remember that troubles are not forever, so choose to focus on his presence more than the problems. Rom8v18: Jn16v33
My dearly beloved ones, it’s time for you to tap into the amazing powers of laughter. God wants you to enjoy the good medicine that laughter has to offer. So, choose to acknowledge the Joy of the Lord more than any trouble that you are currently facing.
Other Scriptural References: Neh8v10: Ps89v15:21v6;16v11: Acts16v25: Gen 17v5,15,17: Jb5v22
Prayer for Today: In the name of Jesus, I do away with anything that constantly steals and drains my Joy from today. I choose to walk in the Joy of the Lord all the days of my life!
CONFESSION: A cheerful disposition is good for my Health. Therefore, I choose laughter over sorrow. I choose to rejoice in the Lord at all times. I take delight in the things that make me happy and joyful. Glory be to God, the enemy’s stronghold over my laughter is broken in Jesus name. Amen
Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Thank you Baba for this topic sir
But I have being using this powerful weapon since that year you preach on THE LAST LAUGH over the years even when I don’t have a single reason to do so. Well it wasn’t easy then because I thought I could do it with happiness but I realize happiness is temporary and plus nothing in my surrounding that could guarantee it or even sustain it instead they would still it and give me opposite.
But God has started punishing the devil the day you talked about Joy in your teaching because I started realizing that without Joy happiness could not be obtained or sustained. So how do I use this your powerful mantle of laughter that you gave us of which I also discover it’s one the best therapy by my Father in heaven. Meanwhile I continue working on how my Joy could be sustained forever and with the help of holy spirit and my little digging deep in the world of God through you powerful messages back to back over years, Baba I have never stop laughing since then sir because my Joy has being permanent and has refuse to get lost even when I lost everything through all my shares of up and down trust sir I still have joy that God has given me. Just because I valued it and guide it jealousy. So now tell me why I won’t laugh.
And thank you for this message Baba and that’s why you are always my mentor and a father.