Psalm 71verse21 ‘Thou shalt increase my greatness, and comfort me on every side.’
I trust that you have been enjoying this series of teachings on the subject of uncommon greatness. As you can see from God’s word, God’s desire and will is to increase your greatness. So wherever you are right now, God wants to take you higher and further! This is why I have been sharing with you some of the important keys to unlocking unusual greatness. I believe that you are applying these truths into your life because I know that it will change your story and status for ever in Jesus name, amen. My focus in today’s lesson will be centered on another important key to unlocking unusual greatness, so if you are ready; I would like us to examine this key right now.
3. You must be tirelessly grateful. This is another key to experiencing uncommon greatness you need to engage in if you will rise. David and Solomon understood this principle a lot; no wonder they kept rising and rising in life and in fact, they are classic examples of a tireless thanks giver. 2Sam7v16; 1Ki3v4.
So who exactly is a tireless thanks giver or what is the meaning of being tirelessly grateful? It Means:
a. Not to be tired of your appreciation of God. Ps71v15, 24
b. Not to stop giving God gratitude. Heb13v15.
c. To be addicted to thanking God .i.e. A Grateful Addict. 2Thess1v3:2v13.
d. To keep thanking God for the things he has done. Isam17v34-37
e. To go the extra mile in thanking God. It means not to thank God the way other people thank God. It means to be extravagant in your thanksgiving or appreciation. 2S6v13-14.
My dear brothers and sisters, it’s time for you to embrace this culture and practice because it is one of the proven and tested keys to unlocking unusual greatness. And if you will commit yourself to this wholeheartedly, your profiting will appear unto all and your life will never remain the same again. I see your story changing for the better as you become a tireless thanks giver today!
Other Scriptural References: 1Ki8v63; 1Chro29v14; Ps71v6, 8; Gen4v4; Jn12v3; 1Thess5v18.
Prayer for Today: Holy Spirit, help me to embrace gratitude as a lifestyle in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I commit myself to becoming a tireless thanks giver today! I choose gratitude over grumbling! I choose to be incurably grateful. I choose not to become weary in my appreciation. I choose to be forever grateful to my God! So help me, precious Holy Spirit!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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