Psalm 86verse6-7 ‘V6-Give ear, O Lord, unto my prayer; and attend to the voice of my supplications. V7-In the day of my trouble I will upon thee: for though wilt answer me.’
You are welcome back to our discussion on keys to Personal Revival and so far, I have laid a solid foundation on this subject matter by sharing with you:
-Some basic truths about revival.
-What revival is
-Why you need revival
-And the evidence of revival.
Today, by his grace, I will be sharing with you how to experience personal revival in your life. I am super excited about this because I believe it’s going to mark a turnaround in your life.
So What Are the Keys to Personal Revival?
1. Genuine repentance. This is one of the essential attributes of revival. Repentance comes before Revival. You cannot remain the same way you are now and expect revival to come. It does not happen like this. As I have discovered from church history that true revival has always been based on genuine repentance of God’s people. So, if you want to experience revival in any area of your life, you need to genuinely repent. Acts 3v19. And what does it mean to repent? It means to think differently or afterward. To reconcile. To feel compunction. To change one’s mind for the better. This is some of what it means to genuinely repent. Mk1v15.
My dear reader, genuine repentance must precede revival. So are you ready to make amends in your ways and life? To understand better what I mean by repenting, you need to be willing to:
-Change your mind if you will experience personal revival. This is what happened to the prodigal son. The moment he was willing to change his mind, his personal revival started. Lk15v17. So are you willing to have a change of mind? Ps51v10
-Change your ways. And how do you know someone who is willing to change their ways? They are willing to change their behavior or attitude. As long as you hold onto your own ways, you won’t experience God’s best. So are you ready to make changes in your ways.? 1Ki21v27-29
My dearly beloved ones, these are the questions that you need to ask yourself if you will really want to experience personal revival. So my admonition to you today:
-Acknowledge your sins or where you have gone wrong. Ps51v3-4
-Ask for his forgiveness. God is willing to forgive once you are ready to admit it. So embrace God’s mercy and forgiveness. Ps51v7-8
-Turn a new leaf. Depart from your former ways and embrace his own ways. Ps51v14
As you embrace this process of revival, I see his fire of revival burning in your life.
Other Scriptural References: Matt3v8: Neh1v3-11: 2Chro7v14: Ps119v59-60: Lam3v40: 1Ki18v37
Prayer for Today: Lord, by your grace and mercy, I turn from my own ways to your own ways today in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Lord, I truly repent from everything that will not allow your glory to be seen in my life. Let your fire burn away every weight and chaff in my life. Purify me and make me whole. This is my prayer in Jesus name, amen.
Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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