Psalm 86verse6-7 ‘V6-Give ear, O Lord, unto my prayer; and attend to the voice of my supplications. V7-In the day of my trouble I will upon thee: for though wilt answer me.’

I believe that God wants to revive his people. This is a major theme throughout the scriptures; I also believe that is why he is bringing this series of teachings your way. It’s my firm belief and prayer that this will be your reality in Jesus’s name. In our last lesson, I share with you how you can know if you are really experiencing a personal revival. Today by his grace, I intend to go further in this regard by sharing more evidence of revival in our lives. So off we go!


4. Time of salvation. Revival brings about liberty, deliverance, healing, wholeness, safety, soundness etc. These are some of the attributes of salvation that you will see in your life as you encounter revival. Ps85v7. So my dear reader, get ready for his visitation.

5. A call to holiness and purity. Revival brings about the purification of your life and walk. There is a cleansing and separation unto him in a time of revival. These are the things to expect when revival comes. So get ready for his touch. 1Pet1v15-16

6. Brokenness and humility of heart. This is one of the key elements of a true revival. Those who get revived become more yielded and submissive to his will and purpose for their lives. They live a surrendered life to their master and Lord. Are you ready for this kind of encounter? Isa57v15: Ps34v18

7. Transformation of lives and a positive change for the better. If you have truly experienced his revival, you will never be the same and things won’t also be the same. May this be your testimony in Jesus name, amen. 1Sam10v6-7
8. Positive impact on our World. Even as I have seen that anywhere there is a genuine revival, the society never remains the same because Revival changes the spiritual climate and atmosphere of the world. Acts10v38

9. Genuine Repentance. Every true revival comes with this element. The revived experiences a change of heart and their ways. This is what happened to the likes of Apostle Paul and King David that changed their lives forever. I believe that the encounter awaits you also in Jesus name, amen. 2Cor7v10

10. Tangible presence of God. This is undeniable evidence of revival; without this, no revival would be possible. Jn6v63: Acts2v18
So, my dear reader, I pray that these emblems of revival will be a reality in your life this season.

Other Scriptural References: Mk1v15: Joe2v15;3v25-26: 2Cor7v1: Ps51v17: 1Pet5v10:

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, revive your work in my life this season in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: I seek after your touch, O Lord! Revive me again. Revive me as in the time of old. Restore my love and appetite for you! Holy Spirit, do your work of purification and renewal in me! Reignite my passion and fire again. This is my prayer and desire in Jesus name, amen.