Psalm 86verse6-7 ‘V6-Give ear, O Lord, unto my prayer; and attend to the voice of my supplications. V7-In the day of my trouble I will upon thee: for though wilt answer me.’
God takes delight in reviving his people and I believe that his work of revival will be activated in your life and heart through this series of teachings. This season shall be a season of revival for you. However, to experience his revival, we need to know what revival is all about. I want us to consider some of the things that a true revival is. So here we go!
Revival is:
-To be alive to God, your responsibilities, potential, and your world. It’s to be on fire for God
-A spiritual reawakening from a state of dormancy or stagnation in the life of a believer.
-A time of quickening or impartation of life.
-A period of unusual blessing and activity in the life of the church. It means awakening, stimulating life, and bringing it to the surface.
Essentially the word revival is from the word revive, which simply means to live, keep or make alive, quicken, recover, repair, or restore. This is what a time of revival is all about and I want you also to get ready because this is what God is about to do in your life. Glory be to God!
However, when you experience revival, you will know that the effects of revival cannot be hidden or concealed. So how can I know that I have experienced personal revival? I’ll share some of the proofs or evidence of revival today.
So What Happens Whenever There is Revival?
1. Your love for God will go to another level. Those who sincerely experience a personal revival also experience an increased passion for God and his presence. This love also manifests as love for his word and his house. Jn2v17: Ps26v8. So get ready for God’s visitation in this area of your life.
2. Joy and refreshing. Revival brings about excitement and great motivation. Those who get revived also get refreshed and their joy knows no limit. So, my dear reader, this is one of the blessings you can look forward to experiencing as you experience his touch. Acts3v19: Ps85v6. So may your Joy be renewed and restored in Jesus’ name, amen.
3. A Time of mercy. In a season of revival, his compassion and loving kindness abound richly unto his people. I know God is merciful by nature; no wonder he shows and bestows great mercies during his visitation. May this be a living reality in your life, too, in Jesus’ name, amen. Ps85v7
My dear reader, I believe that his fire of revival will locate you right where you are today. If you believe this say a Big AMEN.
Other Scriptural References: Hab3v2: Ps103v7;119v97,113,163: Rom14v17: Isa63v15
Prayer for Today: Lord, let your fire of revival burn within my soul in Jesus’ name, amen.
CONFESSION: I desire your revival in my life and endeavors. I crave your visitation in my life. Nothing will ever satisfy like your touch! So Lord, touch me now! Heal and restore me again! Make me hear and know the sound of rejoicing all the days of my life!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Amen Amen Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!