Romans8verse14 ‘For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.’
Is God the one directing the affairs of your life or who is in charge of your life? This is one of the most significant questions you need to answer to make the most of your colourful destiny. If you want to succeed in life, then your steps must be ordered by the Lord as a believer. Ps37v23. Our text scripture reveals to us that the ability to be led by God is a sign of Sonship or maturity.
On the other hand, I have discovered from experience that someone can be led by something else aside from God. So what are these things? They are as follows:
1. The opinion of others or men.
2. What is trending, popular or in vogue?
3. What is right in the eyes of the world or men?
4. Your own wisdom, intellect or understanding.Jer10v23
5. The Devil and his cohorts.
6. Social or cultural influence.
7. Your Past Experiences.
8. Socio-economic reasons.
9. Sentiments or Emotions.
10.Your Level of Education.
These are just some of the common things that often determine the decisions that people make, but if you really want to be a winner in life, you need to prioritize God as your Guide and leader. So how can you achieve this? It is very simple! Just take the following Steps:
-Decide from today to make God your Guide and leader.
-Make up your mind not to do anything until you hear from God. Ps25v12-14
-Always endeavour to hearken to God’s voice and lead. Matt13v9
My dear reader, I pray that as you make these changes, you will begin to experience the bliss of divine guidance in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: Pro20v24; Gal5v18; Acts26v19; 1Sam23v2, 4.
Prayer for Today: Holy Spirit, I make you my guide and leader in the journey of life in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: There is nothing like being led by God! Therefore, I say no to guess work and walking by the flesh. I embrace being led by the Spirit from today. Thank you, Father for being my guide and leader! Hallelujah!
Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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