Colossians 2verse6-7 ‘V6-As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: V7-Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.’
Dearly beloved, I trust that this series of teachings on investing in your spiritual growth is a great blessing to you. This is one of the primary purposes of this message. I pray that this will be your testimony in Jesus’ name, amen. I have been sharing with you some of the reasons why you need to take investing in your spiritual growth more seriously. And today, by his grace, we will be going further in our study by looking at more reasons why you need to make these investments. So without much ado, let’s examine these reasons right away.
5. Because your very existence depends on it. Your life depends on your spiritual life because the spiritual controls or determines the physical. Heb11v3.So precious child of God, ignoring your spiritual growth is invariably making your life vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy. This is why you need to take your spiritual growth more seriously. You need to take your spiritual roots or connection more seriously! As a man cannot be greater than his spiritual life. So are you ready to start making serious investments in your spiritual growth?
6. So as not to lose your spiritual standing or position. Our spiritual standing is never static! It’s either going up or going down! This is why your investments will determine where you will stand at the end of the day. Pro24v10. So my dear reader, if you want to be relevant, you need to keep investing In Your spiritual growth. Some people have backslidden or lost their vibrancy because they do not nourish their spiritual lives properly. My dear friends, you need to ensure you don’t fall victim to this mistake. Therefore fortify yourselves properly. Fortify yourself in his word and prayers! Fortify yourselves with the right kind of company and atmosphere! Doing this will give you a greater chance of standing tall and strong. Ensure you never slack behind in nourishing your spiritual life because what you do not nourish will ultimately die. Pro24v30-34. It’s always good to stand firm because you are standing today, but it does not mean you will stand tomorrow. So ensure that you make great investments in your spiritual growth! This is one of the answers to falling away or drawing back.
Other Scriptural References: Jn6v66; 15v6: 2Tim4v10: 2Sam11v1: Rom4v17: 1Cor2v15
Prayer for Today: In the name of Jesus, I will not allow the enemy to limit or draw me back in any way!
CONFESSION: I stand by his grace and faith in Jesus name. I will keep standing strong as I invest in my spiritual walk with God! I refuse to allow anything or anyone to come between my God and me! Forward ever! Backwards never! This is my motto and testimony in Jesus name, amen

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.