Colossians 2verse6-7 ‘V6-As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: V7-Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.’

You are welcome back to our discussion on investing in your spiritual growth. This is one of the most important things that you can do for yourself as a believer and it’s also something that is worth doing. My prayer is that you will find strength and help as you draw from these lessons in Jesus’ name, amen. Today by his grace, I will share with you the importance of investing in your spiritual growth. I am sure you are wondering: why do I need to invest seriously in my spiritual growth? You will discover the answers to these questions as we proceed in this study. So why make investing in your spiritual growth a major priority in life?


1. Because your spiritual growth is of great concern and importance to God. No father wants to give birth to a child that is not growing properly. In the same vein, your heavenly Father is not happy when you are not growing. Gal5v7. This is investing in your spiritual growth matters to God. So if it matters to God, it should also matter to you too. And besides your spiritual growth, will, among several things:

-Bring glory to God.Jn15v8

-Mean that God can rely on you More Eph4v15

-Mean that you can come into the fullness of what Christ has made available to you.Heb5v14

So precious, child of God, I believe you can see why it’s important for you to invest in your spiritual growth. So why not start making that investment today?

2. Because it will greatly empower your spiritual life. Your spiritual life is made strong as you invest heavily into the issue of your spiritual growth. Investing in your spiritual growth is investing in your spiritual life. The greater your investments in your spiritual growth, the stronger your spiritual life, and the lesser your investments into your spiritual growth, the weaker your spiritual life. So, my dear reader, the ball is in your court. The power is in your hands. So make sure you use it wisely. 1Jn2v14: Eph3v16.If I were you, I would start taking the issue of investing in my spiritual growth more seriously! If this is your resolution, can I hear a resounding amen?

Other Scriptural References: Gal1v17: Luk1v80: Exo33v11: Col1v11: 2Cor4v16

Prayer for Today: By the grace and wisdom of God, I choose to take more seriously my spiritual growth. So help me, Holy Spirit!

CONFESSION: Investing in my spiritual growth is a big deal. It is something that brings glory to my heavenly father. Therefore I delight in pleasing God and empowering my spiritual life as I invest in my spiritual growth! Hallelujah!