Pro.31v10: Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies
How valuable are you to your spouse, organization, or even our world? Every one of us has value, but our values are not the same. Some people have developed their value more than others. A good example of such a person is the Virtuous Woman in Proverbs 31 from verses 10-31. If you carefully read this passage, you will see that she was an exceptional and extraordinary woman. A woman of substance and valour, an enterprising and resourceful woman. She has learnt the principle of increasing her value and worth. You, too, can become such a kind of person if you increase your value. Your value is very important because:
– it determines what you attract
– it determines whom you attract
– it determines your Placement and Position (Gen.41v38-39).
This is why you need to pay attention to your value. When you become more valuable, your life and the things that you do will grow in value.
So how can you increase your value? You can do so by:
1. Working Harder on Yourself. This is how to become a more valuable person. The emphasis is on working harder on yourself, not your job per se. Because working harder on yourself will make you a fortune while working harder on your job will make you a living. So learn to work harder on yourself than your job. Success is something you attract by the kind of person you become. So what are you becoming? This should be your priority and focus. As you do this faithfully, you will notice an increase in your value. So it’s time to start adding value to your life by taking your personal development very seriously (1Sam.18v5, 14-16, 30).
2. Developing your talents and gifts. All of us without exception, have gifts and talents, but not all of us harness what we have. This is what you need to do if you will succeed in increasing your value. Your potential exists in raw, hidden, and seed form. This is why you need to put it to work diligently if your value grows. Nobody will do this for you. Only you can do this Job. It’s in your hands, so what are you waiting for? It’s time to get busy with your gifts and talents. Develop your gifts and talents in such a way that they will be in great demand and greatly sought after by many. This is what Ladi Kwali, an extraordinary potter who through her pottery earned an MBE (Member of the British Empire), a Doctorate from Ahmadu Bello University (Zaria), an Officer of the Niger Award (OON), and also her face on the twenty naira note in Nigeria. All these feats were accomplished by this great and illustrious Nigerian who never had any formal education, but through the deployment of her gift, the world has recognized her value.
So my dear brothers and sisters, stop justifying your excuses it’s time to begin to develop your ability so that your value can grow. Pray that this will be your testimony in Jesus name, amen (Pro.15v6).
Other Scriptural References: (2Cor.4v7; 1Pet.4v10-11; 2Cor.4v7; Pro.13v17; Dan.6v3; 1Sam.22v14; Ruth 3v11: 4v15).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, help me to maximize the huge investment in my life to the glory of your name in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I will work on my value by his Grace and help. I commit myself to the upgrading of my value. I am committed to this work and I will not fail in Jesus name, amen. I refuse to allow anyone or anything from stopping me from increasing my value. I shall be a partaker of the blessings thereof at the end of the day! Hallelujah to his name!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Help me to be a more valued added person lord