(Proverbs 4:5,7: Get wisdom! Get understanding! Do not forget, nor turn away from the words of my mouth. Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding)
You are welcome back to our discussion on your capacity to learn. It’s apparent from (Proverbs 4:5,7) that the Almighty wants you to continue to grow in His wisdom and understanding. He does not want you to plateau in your capacity to learn but are you willing to learn? Only you can answer this question. My dear reader, your capacity to learn is unlimited and it’s time for you to fully maximize it.
Do you know you can increase your capacity to learn? You can do this by:
- Learning from your failures and setbacks. You can profit greatly from your mistakes if you have the right mindset to setbacks. So, it’s time to change the way you look at failures; begin to see it as an opportunity to learn.
- Learning from those who have gone ahead of you. Learning from those who have been through what you are trying to, will increase your chances of success because you will gain valuable wisdom and insight in the process (Romans 15:4). Are you ready to learn from mentors and trailblazers in your field of endeavour?
- Unlearning what you have learnt before. There are certain things you need to unlearn because knowledge has increased and what you know before is now outdated or irrelevant. Are you ready for this experience?
- Relearning what you have learnt before. There are lessons to relearn from what you have learnt before because you have either forgotten them or certain truths have changed slightly. Are you ready for a relearning experience?
- Acquiring new skills and better ways of doing things. Upgrading your skills will increase your capacity to learn. So, in what areas do you need to acquire these new skills? Is it in the areas of communication, negotiation, teamwork, delegation et cetara.? (Psalm 78:70)
- Learning from the most unlikely sources or avenues. You can gain insight and wisdom from the most unusual people or places if your attitude is right.
- Learning God’s ways of doing things. God has ways and methods of doing things and your humility and hunger will help you to access this way of learning. Are you ready to explore God’s ways of doing things? (Isaiah 55:8-9; Psalm 103:7)
Precious child of God, are you going to take full advantage of glorious opportunities to learn so as to step into a higher dimension of life, or are you going to allow opportunities to pass you by? Your answer to this question will determine where you end up in life. I, therefore, encourage you to make the right choice today. Make the choice that will enable you to enjoy to the fullest what Christ has made available to you.
Other Scriptural References: 2 Kings 7:10; Psalm 8:2; Genesis 26: 1-6, 12-16; Psalm 33:3)
Prayer for Today: Holy Spirit, I am willing to learn new things, unlearn the things I need to unlearn, and also relearn the things I need to relearn. Help me to completely turn a new leaf in this regard in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Glory be to God for I have an unlimited capacity to learn. Therefore, I refuse to be limited by my environment, people, or customs and traditions. I am a trailblazer and a pioneer. I am breaking new records and taking new territories as my capacity to learn increases. I am seeing new opportunities and horizons. I profit from my failures and setbacks. I learn from those who have gone ahead of me. I gain new wisdom and insight as I learn new ways of doing things. Therefore, I am changing from one level of glory to another. I am getting better as I grow in my capacity to learn. Thank you heavenly Father for making me wiser than my competitors and my opposition. I triumph by the wisdom of God and I manifest the glory of God everywhere I go in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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