Psalm 92verse12-14 ‘V12-The righteous shall flow like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. V13-Those that be planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God. V14-They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing.’

You are welcome back to our discussion on how you ought to flourish. It is very clear and apparent from our text scripture (Ps92v12-14) how God wants you to flourish. Your flourishing is supposed to be according to a particular manner and order. In our last lesson, I shared one of such dimensions of your flourishing with you. Today by his grace, I want us to look at another way God expects you to flourish. If you are ready here, we go!

2. You ought to flourish like the Cedar of Lebanon. The cedar is a choice and economical tree. This is how God wants you to flourish and if you will understand this better, you need to know how a cedar tree flourishes! When you know how the cedar flourishes, you will be better positioned to know how you ought to flourish. So what are the qualities of a cedar?

i. It is evergreen with a luxurious growth of leaves on short side branches. My dear reader, this is how the testimony of your flourishing should look like i.e., flourishing all year round! Ps104v16

ii. It is a very useful tree. Its wood is used for construction purposes. I.e. ships, weapons, bowls, temples, palaces and baskets. Its bark is used for making blankets, capes and costumes. Cedar oils are also known for their medicinal uses i.e., treatment of arthritic junctions, rashes, diarrhea, poor circulation etc. Ps14v9:1Ki5v5.
My dear reader, this is how useful your life ought to be as a Cedar Tree Believer! So I challenge you today to begin to rebel against every form of unproductiveness in Jesus name, amen.

iii. They are strong and durable. The cedar is generally a strong wood. This is why it also symbolizes stability, durableness, incorruptibility, resilience, strength and eternal life. Isa9v10. So, my dear brothers and sisters, how strong are you?

iv. It lives for a very long time. It can live for hundreds of years. In fact, some Cedars have survived 5000 years. They are among the oldest living organisms on earth. So what does this implies? It simply means that the covenant of long life and longevity is yours. So you will not die before your time in Jesus name.

v. It is an attractive and fragrant Tree. Its wood has a pleasant smell. So the implication of this is that you will be graceful and beautiful. Ps80v10:Eze17v23

vi. They are high and tall. It grows very high i.e., up to 50 feet or above 100 feet. Isa2v13.

vii. They are known as the King of Trees in the Bible. Just as the lion is the king of animals and the eagle is the king of birds! The cedar is the king of trees, so there is no reason why you should not stand out in your generation.

Precious Child of God, these are just some of the attributes of a Cedar tree; I pray this symbolism will be a living reality in your life in Jesus name, amen.

Other Scriptural References: Ps104v17: 1Ki7v2-3: Eze27v5; 31v3: 1Ki4v33

Prayer for Today: Lord, I receive grace to be a cedar tree believer indeed in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: I grow like a Cedar in Lebanon. My life is a true reflection of how a Cedar Tree flourishes! So therefore, my flourishing is evident for all to see! Glory be to God, I am indeed a cedar tree believer!