John16verse33: “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”
How have you been responding to the challenges of this season? It’s either you are responding properly or wrongly! God wants us to respond properly; this is why this series of teachings is coming your way! I hope that this will greatly help you in dealing with the challenges of this season. Yes, it’s possible for you to deal effectively with the challenges of this hour because God would never leave you without his help and support. And thank God his Word shows us the way of escape! So, how does God want you to respond to these challenges?
2. By Focusing on what God is doing. Most of the time, we focus on what the enemy is doing instead of what God is doing. My dear friends, you need to choose your focus wisely if you want to be victorious in the battles of life. So, what is God doing in your life at the moment? Choose to think about those things! And as you do so, you will discover that it will bring you so much succour and strength! As a general rule, focusing on the following things will help you to focus on what God is doing in your life:
-Focus on the immediate and not on your past! Focus on the Now and not Tomorrow. Matt6v11,34
-Focus on where you are going and not on what you are going through. Focus on your destination and not the detours.
-Focus on what you have received and not what you have not received.
-Focus on what you have gained and not what you have lost.
-Focus on what is working and not what is not working. 1Cor4v7:,Jn3v27
-Focus on what you have and not what you don’t have.
-Focus on the positives and not the negatives
My dear reader, as you focus on these things intentionally, you will discover also that it will increase your joy and happiness and put you in a stronger position of receiving what God has in store for you!
And before I go, it’s important for you to deal with the mentality of saying that God has not done anything. This is a lie from the pit of hell that robs people of their inheritance! So make up your mind that you will start choosing your focus wisely to overcome the challenges of this hour! Will you start doing so from today?
Other Scriptural References: Eccle3v14; Ps118v22-23: 105v1
Prayer for Today: Lord, I am not ignorant of the things that you are doing in my life! I give all the praise for it in Jesus name amen.
CONFESSION: Thank You, Father, for the wonderful things that you are doing in my life! Thank you for the things that are working in my life and career! Thank you for life and all the privileges associated with it. I also acknowledge the things that are working in my life! As I focus on the positives rather than the negatives, I rise above life’s challenges in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.