John16verse33: “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”
How have you been responding to the challenges of this hour? Have you been coping, managing or taking initiative and taking action? I know that we are in the midst of a crisis but God has not left us alone without a witness and directions! So, how should I respond to all that is happening around me? What is the right way of responding?
1. By Focusing on the Faithfulness of God. Yes, his faithfulness never fails. This is why you should rely and depend on it. Focus on the Faithfulness of God and not the failed promises of men. My dearly beloved, I want you to know that God can be depended upon and trusted! Ps119v89-90.
When I speak about focusing on God’s faithfulness, what do I mean? It means:
-Focus on what he has done for you in times past. This is how you ought to think in this season! For if he has done it before, it is an indication that he can do it again! So cheer up! All hope is not lost! Ps77v11. So, if I were you, I would constantly remind myself of this truth again and again!
-Focus on what he has done for others around you. Thinking about what God has done for others around you is an indication that God is in the neighborhood! And what he has done for one, he can do the same for you, too, if you are willing to meet up with God’s conditions. Rom10v12-13. So, if I were you, I would constantly remind myself about the faithfulness of God in other people’s lives!
-Think about his goodness and kindness towards you. I don’t know about you but it’s because of his goodness that I am not consumed or destroyed. Your Heavenly Father is intrinsically good. It is his nature and character. It is his DNA! This is why you can bank on his faithfulness. Ps145v9; Nah1v7
Your heavenly Father cannot change. This is why his goodness will continually extend towards you! So, my dear brothers and sisters, one way of thinking about God’s faithfulness is by thinking about his goodness and kindness towards you. Has God been kind and gracious to you? I believe the answer is a definite yes! Therefore, make this your focus every day! Don’t allow the enemy to talk you out of these truths! I see it setting you free and setting you up for a supernatural turnaround! As you focus on his faithfulness today, may you win big time in the name of Jesus Christ.
Other Scriptural References: Deut7v9: 1Cor1v9; 2Tim2v13; Heb6v17-18; Ps119v68; Philip4v8.
Prayer for Today: Lord, I receive your power in being a doer of your Word today in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: God’s faithfulness won’t fail me! His goodness and kindness will see me through this season! His oil will not be dry or empty in my life! Surely, I will emerge victorious this season! No matter what the enemy throws at me, I will still be standing in Jesus name amen! This shall be my testimony throughout this season in Jesus name amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.