Acts 5v29: But Peter and the other apostles answered and said, “We ought to obey God rather than men.”
God has not left us in the dark as to how to obey God. In fact, evidence abounds in scriptures on how to obey our heavenly father. God does not want to be served anyhow, hence the reason why he has chosen and shown unto you how he wants to be served (1Chro.15v13). Obeying God should come first in your life and not secondary. This was what Peter and other Apostles demonstrated in Acts.5v29. So my dear reader, what is your own testimony about obeying God? I strongly believe that regardless of where you are on the ladder of obedience, it’s time to move up. And one of the ways by which you can do this is by knowing better how to obey God. In our last lesson, I shared three of such ways with you; however, today my focus will be on the remaining ways you ought to obey God. So without much ado, let’s examine these ways right away!
- Obey God Precisely. What does this mean? It simply means to obey God to the very letter of his instructions to you. Another way of saying this is to obey God specifically or accurately. It is to do exactly what he says or asks you to do without revising or removing anything out of it. My dear reader, this is the way God wants you to obey him? Are you ready for this dimension of obedience? (Num.20v7-12; Moses).
- Obey God First. This simply means to obey God before or above men. So are you putting God first in your obedience? Who comes first, is it God or you or men? It’s time to put God in his rightful place in your life. I pray that today will mark the beginning of such incidence in your life (Acts 4v19, 31: 5v28, 42).
- Obey God foolishly. i.e. this is obeying God when it does not make sense or seem logical. My dear beloved, there are times when obeying Godmakes you look foolish or stupid in the eyes of the world but make no mistake about this, God requires such a kind of obedience from you at times. Whatever he tells you to do now that does not make sense will produce signs in your life when you obey him. Some examples of this kind of obedience are as follows: (Jn.2v1-11; Turning water into wine); (Jn.9v1-7; Healing of the man born blind); Lk.17v12-14; Healing of Ten Lepers); Lk.5v1-7; Peter’s boat sinking/net breaking Breakthrough). Are you ready to obey God even if it makes you look foolish in the eyes of others?
- Obey God Continually. This means obeying God consistently or as a lifestyle. This also means to obey God habitually. This is the ultimate desire of God for all of his children and this should be your goal and aspiration too. You need to aspire to obey God at all times and not just once in a while (Gen.18v19). Are you ready to step your game?
Precious child of the Most High, it’s time to raise the standard. It’s time to grow up in your capacity to obey God. When this happens, life takes on a new meaning and dimension. I pray that this will be your experience in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: (1Kings 17v2-3, 8-9; Gen.17v10-14, 23-27; Exo.1v15-17: 2v1-2; Dan.1v8: 3v10-18: 6v6-13; Matt.6v23; 1Sam.13v8).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I receive freshness of Grace in taking my obedience to another level in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Obeying God is my culture and lifestyle. I seek to do his will all the time and not some of the time. I will do his will in and out of season. I choose to obey God when it’s easy, and when it’s not easy. My heart’s desire is to obey God more and more. I rebel against every form of obstacle and barrier in pleasing God. I choose to please my heavenly Father all the time. Holy Spirit, be thou my helper and strengthener in Jesus name, amen.
Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
I choose to obey God continually and I step up my game in obedience to my Father. God grant me the capacity to obey You first in all my endeavours in life. Amen!!
I choose to obey YOU all the time, where YOU lead me Lord I will follow, I will go with YOU LORD all the way, Holy Spirit help me in JESUS Name.
Lord help me to obey you precisely, if it doesn’t make sense and obey you first every time in Jesus name.