Acts 5v29: But Peter and the other apostles answered and said, “We ought to obey God rather than men.

How do you obey God, or how would you describe your obedience to God? The truth of the matter is that we are all different in the way and manner we obey God. Some obey God sincerely or totally, while some of us obey God anyhow. Dearly Beloved, you need to understand that how you obey God matters. This is why he has not left you in the dark as to how to obey him and that is why I will be sharing with you today on how to obey God. As you can see from (Acts 5v29) that the Apostles prioritize obeying God above men, i.e. they put a high premium on obeying God. Obeying God was a big deal to them; no wonder they prospered and did great things for the Lord. So precious child of God, how would you rate your obedience to God? (Rom.16v19; Philem.1v21).

In order to understand fully well this lesson, you need to know what it means to obey God. Obeying God means to hearken to his voice, keep His commands, comply with his instructions/directives, or do what he says. An obedient person, according to the Latin Language, is “someone who knows the rules, toes the line and follows the instructions”. This is the kind of person God wants you to be! My dear reader, so how does God want you to go about obeying him? Your Heavenly Father wants you to obey him in the following manner:


  1. Obey God swiftly or speedily. God wants you as his child to obey him quickly, i.e. without hesitation, debate, or argument. This is how you ought to obey your heavenly father. Do you obey God without delay, or do you struggle to obey God promptly? Your answer to these questions will determine where you stand with regards to obeying God (Jam.1v19)
  2. Obey God completely or totally. God’s will for you as his child is to obey him fully or completely. You are not to choose what part of his instructions to you that you will obey but you are to obey him totally. Your obedience should be complete, not incomplete and besides, you need to know that incomplete obedience is equaled to disobedience in the eyes of God. A good example of this is King Saul in (1Sam.15v1-28). This is why God expects you and me to do better.
  3. Obey God unconditionally. This simply means to obey God without giving him conditions or certain terms. It also means to obey God without any strings or sentiments attached therein. God expects you to serve him on his own terms and not on your own terms (Lk.9v59-62).

My dearly beloved ones, these are some of the ways God expects you to obey him. So to what extent are you obeying God in this regard? It’s time to take your obedience to another level. May this be your testimony at the end of the day in Jesus name, amen.

Other Scriptural References: (Matt.9v9: 4v19-22; Num.14v24; Philip.2v12; Gen.12v1-4: 22v16-18: 26v1-5: 31v3; Acts 13v22).

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, my heart desires to obey you better and more in my walk with you. So help me, blessed Holy Spirit.

CONFESSION: Holy Father, my heart’s desire is to please you more and more. Therefore, I put premium and value in obeying you and your commands and instructions to me. I seek to obey you. first. You are my heart’s desire and longing. Obeying you is my pleasure and delight. I receive grace and courage to grow in my capacity to obey you from today in Jesus name, amen.