Ps.23v1: The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
There are ways by which your needs can be met and this is what this series of lessons is all about! It is to equip you with the necessary tools and information with regards to meeting your needs! As you can see from the things we shared so far, God is interested in meeting your needs and he wants you to be aware of the modalities he has put in place for your lifting! I pray for you today that as David testified of the lord been his Shepherd, you too will be able to say the same in Jesus name, amen. How can you go about meeting your needs? What are some of the ways by which your needs can be met? These are the things I intend to share with you in today’s lesson, so without much ado, let’s examine them right away!
- By putting your trust in His ability. The truth of the matter is that God’s ability is Unlimited and Unparalleled! And oftentimes, we have not really maximized the ability of Jehovah to the fullest. So child of God, how confident are you in his Ability to take care of your needs? We need to put God’s ability to work if our needs will ever be met. So it’s time to raise the bar! Our Trust in his Ability ought to be Absolute and Total or Complete (Pro.3v5). God’s ability is more than enough in meeting all your needs. So it’s time for you to begin to put your trust in God’s ability more than your jobs, salaries, connections etc., because God is able to give you something better than whatever any system or man is able to offer. And besides, there is a special blessing for those who trust him to meet their needs (Ps.2v12; Pro.16v20).
You know if you really trust God to meet your needs, you:
– Will not be moved or shaken! You will be stable and calm regardless of the circumstance of Life! You will be at rest and peace (Ps.125v1).
– Won’t worry about the issue of the how and size of your need because God is bigger than whatever confronts you.
My dear brothers and sisters, I hope you can see that it pays to trust in God’s ability to meet all your needs! So it’s time to make Jehovah your Trust and Refuge!
2. By Trusting in his Wisdom. God’s wisdom is supreme and superior to all other kinds of wisdom, so you never go wrong leaning on his wisdom! How much do you depend on his wisdom when it comes to meeting your needs? Most of the time, we depend more on our wisdom and ways than his wisdom. And usually, when our wisdom fails, that’s when we come running back to him! But this ought not to be so! You need to seek his Wisdom first and also put it ahead of every other thing. When you do this, his Wisdom will put you over in the affairs of life!
So how can you depend on his Wisdom in meeting your needs? You do this by:
– Praying for his Wisdom as to how to meet that particular need. God’s wisdom is always available to the humble and contrite heart. His wisdom will be made available to those who ask, so ask! Those who ask for directions never get lost! We have an assurance of him answering us when we ask in faith (Matt.7v7-8; Jam.1v5).
– Obey his instructions to you! Do whatever he asks you to do. This is the secret of getting your needs met. Once you pray, follow his leading to you and you won’t be put to shame (Jn.2v5). Obeying his Instructions is also acting on his Wisdom. So once he tells you what to do, act on it in faith (Matt.14v19; 1ki.17v2, 9).
God’s wisdom will always be put over in life. It will make all the difference in your life and what you do! His wisdom is unfailing and reliable and as you obey it, it will work wonders in your life (Pro.4v5, 7).
Other Scriptural References: (2Chro.1v10; Jam.2v26; Pro.4v20-22: 8v34; 1Cor.2v6-8; Jos.1v8; Ps.118v8-9; Jer.17v7; Isa.26v4; Matt.15v35-36).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I choose to trust in your ability and wisdom in meeting my Needs from henceforth in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Thank you, Father, for being my Shepherd indeed! As my Shepherd, I acknowledge you as my Source, Supply and Sufficiency! You are my everything; therefore, I will not be put to shame or ridicule. I look up to you for meeting all my needs. As I trust in your ability and Wisdom, I will experience the Best of your Provisions and Supplies! I believe with all my heart that your Help will never fail me or disappoint me! Thank you, Jesus!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
If I really trust God to meet my needs I will not be moved or shaken instead I will be stable and calm regardless of the circumstances of life.
Lord I pray for Grace to trust You the more.
Thank you Sir for this impactful message.